Dolby Surround
Surround Mixing
Mixing Manual
Chapter 4
4 -
- System
System Setup
Figure 4-1 Adjusting the Center Input
Figure 4-1 Adjusting the Center Input Trim Control
Trim Control
9. Apply the 1 kHz reference tone
Apply the 1 kHz reference tone to the Surround channel input.
to the Surround channel input.
10. Adjust the Surround channel input trim to
Adjust the Surround channel input trim to light both green LEDs. Again, do not adjust
light both green LEDs. Again, do not adjust the
Lt or Rt output trims. The left and right meters on the device being fed by the encoder,
Lt or Rt output trims. The left and right meters on the device being fed by the encoder,
console or recorder, should both read -3 dB and the signal
console or recorder, should both read -3 dB and the signal should be 180
should be 180
out of phase.
out of phase.
11. If the Effects Processor Loop (EPL) is not used, encoder
If the Effects Processor Loop (EPL) is not used, encoder alignment is complete, proceed
alignment is complete, proceed
to decoder alignment.
to decoder alignment.
12. Switch the EPL in.
Switch the EPL in.
The EPL contains send and return levels and is
The EPL contains send and return levels and is used to interface a piece
used to interface a piece of signal processing gear
of signal processing gear
after the encoding to Lt/Rt, but before the
after the encoding to Lt/Rt, but before the final output of the SEU4
final output of the SEU4 encoder. These trims are
encoder. These trims are
usually set for unity gain at the
usually set for unity gain at the factory. Should you desire to change them, apply
factory. Should you desire to change them, apply the 1 kHz
the 1 kHz
reference signal to the left and
reference signal to the left and right inputs and adjust left and right EP
right inputs and adjust left and right EP L sends for the proper
L sends for the proper
level at the signal processing device input.
level at the signal processing device input. Then adjust the left and right re
Then adjust the left and right returns to produce the
turns to produce the
proper level at the SEU4
proper level at the SEU4 output. To enable the EPL,
output. To enable the EPL, move the slide switch located front center of
move the slide switch located front center of
the right-hand board, Cat.No.385, or link pins 6 and 15 of
the right-hand board, Cat.No.385, or link pins 6 and 15 of the remote control connector.
the remote control connector.
Decoder Alignment
The decoder has two parts to
The decoder has two parts to align: the input levels and the
align: the input levels and the output levels.
output levels.
Input Levels
1. Feed a 1 kHz tone to the left and right inputs of the decoder. (This should be fed to the
Feed a 1 kHz tone to the left and right inputs of the decoder. (This should be fed to the
encoder, which in turn should feed the decoder as
encoder, which in turn should feed the decoder as well as the rest
well as the rest of the signal chain.)
of the signal chain.)