SuperSigma2 AM PMS
V1.5.6 17-1-2020
Page 81 (97)
©2019 DMC GmbH Herten Germany
High Voltage Cut Back start threshold HVCBstrt
High voltage cut back end threshold
High voltage error threshold
High voltage occurs when the battery is fully charged. Or when a large power (current) surge
the battery occurs, for
example, the vehicle is braking hard.
High voltage cut back
When the voltage is getting high, the controller will limit the power withdrawn from the battery. It will do this by cutting
back the maximum brake power with a percentage as shown in the graph below. Only brake power is cut back. Drive
power is
cut back.
When there is no cut back, the maximum brake power is 100 %.
When the cut back is 100 %, the maximum brake power is at 0 %.
The brake maximum power is the power that is available to the user. As long as the user doesn’t use this brake power, it
will not be noticed. But when the user demands more brake power, the brake power is limited to the maximum brake
power available. When this occurs, the Status menu of the controller shows the ‘HV’ limit. Also the error F04 is displayed
during high voltage cut back.
The maximum brake power limit will run from 100 % (no cut back) to 0 % (full cut back). This is displayed also in the Status
Menu at “Brake
High voltage limit
The high voltage limit is the absolute limit of the controller and the motor. When the voltage is above this level, the
controller will immediate stop driving and braking the motor (stops with pulsing) and will report an error F22.
The controller will have a set of parameters with which the high voltage cut back can be tuned. The controller itself must
be protected at all times, thus there i
s a higher limit which cannot be altered. The parameters can only be tuned ‘up’ to
protect the battery and motor of the user.
The parameters are:
High voltage cut back start threshold
High voltage cut back end threshold
High voltage error threshold
The location, unit, range and step size of these adjustments can be found in reference in the
Voltage [V]
Maximum Brake Power [% ]
100 %
Hi gh Vol ta ge Cut Ba ck Sta rt Level
Hi gh Vol ta ge Cut Ba ck End Level