SuperSigma2 AM PMS
V1.5.6 17-1-2020
Page 7 (97)
©2019 DMC GmbH Herten Germany
Proportional gain speed controller “Kp Spd”
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Integral gain speed controller “Ki Spd”
Enable double PI settings for speed controller “SpdPIx2”
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Double PI speed threshold “SpdPITH”
Proportional gain speed controller below threshold “KpSpdLow”
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Integral gain speed controller below threshold “KiSpdLow”
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Transition time between the two PI settings for the speed controller “TransTim”
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Speed limit tolerance “SpLimTol”
Speed limit action ramp time “SpLimTim”
Extra field weakening level referred to the ideal flux at maximum speed “FWextra”
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Speed Threshold for beginning field weakening “F_FW TH”
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Torque Reduction Map in field weakening range point 1 “TReduc1”
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field weakening range point 2 “TReduc2”
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Torque Reduction Map in field weakening range point 3 “TReduc3”
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Torque Reduction Map in field weakening range point 4 “TReduc4”
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Torque Reduction Map in field weakening range point 5 “TReduc5”
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Decouple Iq and Id controllers “Decouple”
Enable software PWM algorithm delay compensation “PWMDelay”
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Speed Control Filter “SCFilter”
Enable Voltage Limiter “VoltCtrl”
Percentage of correction for inductance value “DecoLeak”
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Back EMF correction factor “BEMFCorr”
Speed estimator rate “Obs.Rate”
Resistance compensation gain “R gain”
Current compensation gain “CurrGain”
Maximum radius voltage “Vmodmax”
Motor Temp Sensor Type “MtempTyp”
Motor Temp. Cutback start “TempStrt”
I²t Nominal Motor Current “NomCurr”
I²t Start Motor Temperature “I2tTemp”
Performance Table Speed 1 “PTSpd1”
Performance Table Speed 2 “PTSpd2”
Performance Table Speed 3 “PTSpd3”
Performance Table Cutback 1 “PTCutBk1”
Performance Table Cutback 2 “PTCutBk2”
Performance Table Cutback 3 “PTCutBk3”
Low Voltage Cut Back start threshold “LVCBstrt”
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Low voltage error threshold “LVerror”
High voltage cut back end threshold “HVCBend”
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