SuperSigma2 AM PMS
V1.5.6 17-1-2020
Page 40 (97)
©2019 DMC GmbH Herten Germany
Dual Motor parameters
Dual motor cu
t out ”DMcut”
Dual motor angle 1 ”DMang1”
Dual motor angle 2 ”DMang2”
Dual motor angle 3 ”DMang3”
Dual motor speed 1 ”DMspd1”
Dual motor speed 2 ”DMspd2”
Dual motor speed 3 ”DMspd3”
These parameters define the Dual Motor function. For them to be active, the parameter
must be set to 1, 2 or 3 (if set to 3
, only “DMcut”, “DMang3” and “DMspd3” will be active)
The parameters are working in conjunction with steering pot. The steering angle is expressed as percentage and is defined
by the following parameters:
sets -100% of steering angle
Steer pot middle point ”StrMid””
sets 0% of steering angle
sets 100% of steering angle
Parameter “
sets the steering angle at which the motor starts to reduce speed. If,
for example, a value of 10% is chosen, then the speed reduction will commence if the steering potentiometer is outside
of a central dead band of ± 10%.
In the central dead band, the inner motor speed is equal to the outer motor speed and corresponds to the driving speed
of the vehicle.
When the setting
is set to 1 or 2, the relationship between parameters from
M1-61T to M1-67T is explained below for both the inner and outer motors:
Inner motor:
n the steering angle is between “
t out ”DMcut”” and “
”DMang1”” settings, the motor starts to reduce speed towards “
Dual motor speed 1 ”DMspd1””, while
it also reduces the torque towards zero.
When the steering angle
is between “
Dual motor angle 1 ”DMang1”” and “
”DMang2”” the torque of the inner motor is zero, meaning it is
able to freewheel and the speed is left free.
When the steering angle is beyond
and towards
angle 3 ”DMang3””, the inner motor reverse
s its spinning direction and torque is increased towards half the
demanded torque. The s
peed of the inner motor starts at “
Dual motor speed 2 ”DMspd2”” and is
increased towards half of the “
Dual motor speed 3 ”DMspd3”” setting.
When steering beyond “
, the torque of the inner motor is maintained at
half the demande
d torque and the speed is set to half of the “
Dual motor speed 3 ”DMspd3”” setting.
Outer motor
When the steering angle is
between “
t out ”DMcut”” and “
”DMang1”” settings,
the speed of the outer motor is reduced towards
When the steering angle
is between “
Dual motor angle 1 ”DMang1”” and “
the speed of the outer motor is reduced from
towards half
of the
Steering beyond the
setting maintains the speed of the outer motor at
half the
The torque of the outer motor is maintained at the demanded torque in the whole steering range.
The reason because both inner and outer motors are maintaining a speed which is half of
above the
setting, is that they are spinning in opposite direction:
this therefore produces a total speed which is twice that of one motor.
The torque of the inner motor is halved to prevent a sudden increase in speed when steering rapidly beyond the