Rev. 1 – 07/24/2014
Rudder Assembly
Tools needed: Metric Wrench
Parts needed: Bolts, nuts, washers and safety pins.
Type of maintenance: Heavy
Level of Certification needed:
Repairman (LS-M) or Mechanic (A&P) – both with the minimum level of certification to
perform heavy maintenance of SLSA in the U.S.
FAA approved Part 145 Repair station
1. Put the rudder on the fin suspensions from above. Use care not to move the spherical
bearings in the rudder suspensions.
2. If necessary insert a washer to adjust lower suspension clearance.
3. Put the washer on the lower suspension bolt, tighten the castle nut and secure with a
safety pin.
4. Attach the rudder control cables. Tighten the castle nut and secure with safety pins.
Task proper accomplishment check: Check rudder proper attachment and securing of all
Rudder Disassembly
Tools needed: Metric Wrench
Parts needed: None.
Type of maintenance: Heavy
Level of Certification needed:
Repairman (LS-M) or Mechanic (A&P) – both with the minimum level of certification to
perform heavy maintenance of SLSA in the U.S.
FAA approved Part 145 Repair station
1. Disconnect the rudder control cables; attach the ends of the cables together to keep the
cables from slipping inside the fuselage.
2. Remove the safety pin from the lower suspension bolt. Remove the castle nut and washer.
3. Lift and remove the rudder from suspensions.
Task proper accomplishment check: Visually check that nothing was damaged on the
airplane due to rudder removal.