ISOFLOW application – User manual for XeedSystem v1.6
Main screen
On the main screen each rectangle represents a distributor head. The little squares in the
rectangles represents the sensors. The orange/blue numbers at the start of each row,
indicates the numbers of the distributor heads which have been set during the system
The smaller numbers in the orange/blue rectangles show the starting and ending numbers
of the sensors at the given row.
If the machine in not in working position,
every square is gray.
The gray squares are the expected
behavior because it means there is no
seeding (minimal seed flow) in lifted work
If the machine is in working state, every
square turns to green or gray, yellow,
red, depending on the status of the
sensors on the distributor head.
If square’s color is green, it is the
expected behavior because it means
that the sensor on the distributor head
perceives seed flow (minimal seed flow)
in working state. Every other color refers
some kind of error.
If a square is not green but red, yellow
or gray that refers some kind of error on
that sensor.
Every occurred error can be seen on the
main screen.
More details can be seen about the
errors at the error list screen.
To know more about the sensor colors,
check the legends screen.