ISOFLOW application – User manual for XeedSystem v1.6
After start-up the main screen appears. It informs us about the most important parameters
of the seeder.
The alert icon
On the left side of the header, the triangle icon indicates the current, reported issues.
If it is grey: there is no error in
the system.
If it is red: there is an error in
the system. It indicates the
number of the errors as well.
The triangle functions as a button as
well, by pressing it, the error list appears.
The area icon
The area icon shows the sown area, and it works as a button as well.
For precise area measurement it is crucial to set the working width and to
calibrate the speed properly.
These options can be set on the machine settings screen, which can be
accessed from the settings, or by pressing the area icon on the main screen.
By holding the area button (at least for 2 secs), the sowed area can be set to zero.
Press the Back button to
return to the main screen.
Press the “Go to Machine Settings” to
access the machine settings screen.