Digital Dream Standalone Motion Controller
DDCS-Expert Users Manual
Figure 5-78 Here we can operate these functions
There are 14 virtual keys we can define the function in file.“ ”file can be
find in the INSTALL folder for DDCS-Expert.
In Manual page, we can operate some simple functions as: Home, Clear and Zero; We can
check the input ports status,to check it is conducting or not. And there is 14 virtual keys, by
which, the users can define them as what they want.
By the Rotary button(Knob) or the and keys,wen can shift among the
different blocks.
Figure 5-79 The Monitor or the Input ports: IN01-09 iare conducting,IN17 to IN24 no conducting
Figure 5-80 FUNC K01 -- FUNC K14 Vitual Keys can be defined