Digital Dream Standalone Motion Controller
DDCS-Expert Users Manual
Page-41 Feed Rate
Figure 5-21 Shift to FeedRate Column
Figure 5-24 Ingore FeedRate Value
Figure 5-25 F command from G-code file is active
Figure 5-22 Ingore F from G-code file
Figure 5-23 FeedRate value is active
By the Rotary button(Knob) or the and keys, we can shift among the
different colums to “ Feed Rate ”. We press the Enter button, a small windown pop up from the
bottom. The “ Ignore F Yes ”,means Ignore the F command from the G-code, then the system will
process by the F command we set here; The “ Ignore F No ” means the system ignore the Feed
rate we set, control system will process by the F command from G-code file.
In the “ Feed Rate ” column, we can define the default feeding rate, we can define the
current working feedrate is F command from G-code or the feedrate value we set.