Digital Dream Standalone Motion Controller
DDCS-Expert Users Manual
8、 User ’s rights
This controller Support 4 kinds operation rights: visitor, operator, admin, super admin.T his
column shows the current rights.
FRO controls the Feed Speed. Click FRO till FRO is highlighted. Use rotary button ( knob ) or
Up / Down keys to adjust the Feed Speed in 1% increments, the range is 0% - 120%.
10、 SRO
SRO controls the Spindle Speed. Click FRO till SRO is highlighted, use rotary button(knob) or
Up / Down keys adjust the Spindle Speed in 1% increments, the range is 0% - 150%.
11、 SJR / Jog Step
Press the Key, the feed status shift among in CONT, STEP and MPG.
When the controller mode is CONT and MPG, it will show the SJR.
SJR controls the jogging of the machine. Turnning the rotary button (knob) till SJR is high-
lighted. Turnning rotary button (knob) or Up / Down keys to adjust the speed in 1% increments.
The range is 0% - 120%. Press knob to enter the setting.
When in Step Mode, Pressing the rotary button (knob) or keys to change between the 4
distances 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1 / 1 or define any distance.
When in MPG mode you can use the MPG to jog the machine
High/Low Speed: Manually speed
12、 Feed speed
F stands for Feed Speed. Turnning the rotary button or clicking up or down keys till F is
highlighted, click button or Enter to modify and edit the value you want.
Here you can Ignore the F value, then the system will use the F value from Gcode file, and
also you can define a default F value. When the color the number is blue, then the system uses
the default value, if the color is white, the system uses F speed from G-cdode file.
13、 Speed of spindle
Anolog S stands for Spindle Speed. Turnning the rotary button or clicking up or down keys
till Analog S is highlighted, click button or Enter to modify and edit the value you want.
Here you can Ignore the S value, then the system will use the S value from Gcode file, and
also you can define a defalt S value.
When the color the number is blue, then the system uses the default value,if the color is
white, the system uses S speed from G-cdode file.