Digital Dream Standalone Motion Controller
DDCS-Expert Users Manual
So now we can see that our Homing action finished. Now the current position of each axis
are not zero but like the figure 5-63. Because we already set the Parameters as below:
We already set the Mach positon after Homing. So when the system finished Homing, it will
continue to move to the position which we set, this is the same function of Back distance after
Home from DDCS V3.1.
We have a parameter also need to be noted also: #106 Homing cycle count, it is the Home
times for each axis. For example, if we set 2 times, the each axis will go to the limited swtich to
be detected by two times.
Everytime we power on the controller DDCS-Expert, the system will pop-up a diagram as
Figure 5-64, that is because of #127 “ Home after booting ”. If we don’t need it,we just disable it.
The Home squence is Z Axis -- X axis -- Y axis -- 4th axis -- 5th axis.
As figure 5-20 showed,when the system finished Homing, that little symbol
will appear on the related axis.
If the users only Home X axis, then only X axis has that symbol; If the users
home all axis, all axis have that symbol. By the symbol, the users easily knows
the machine was home or not.
Figure 5-62 Home Finished Symbol
Figure 5-63 Mach Postion after Home
Figure 5-64 System ask If go to Home when Power on