XLR PRO operational design
XLR PRO Radio Frequency (RF) Modem User Guide
When you issue a write command, you must add a 100ms delay or wait for an OK response before issuing any
subsequent AT commands.
Command response
When a command is sent to the XLR PRO, it parses and executes the command. Upon successfully executing a
command, XLR PRO returns an “OK” message. If executing a command results in an error, it returns an “ERROR”
Applying command changes
Any changes made to the configuration command registers through AT commands will not take effect until the
changes are applied. For example, sending the BD command to change the baud rate will not change the actual baud
rate until changes are applied. You can apply changes in one of the following ways:
Issue the Apply Changes (AC) command
Exit AT Command Mode
Exiting AT Command Mode
1. Send the Exit Command Mode (ATCN) command, followed by a carriage return.
2. If no valid AT Commands are received within the time specified by Command Mode Timeout (CT) Command, the
XLR PRO automatically returns to Idle Mode.
For an example of programming the XLR PRO using AT Commands and descriptions of each configurable parameter,
XLR PRO AT command reference tables
Serial recovery
In the rare case that the XLR PRO has been configured with unknown serial settings, you can recover the radio to a
known good state by holding a serial break at reset time. Issue a serial break for ten seconds to temporarily force a
default configuration on the XLR PRO. This allows access to the serial port using RS-232 at 9600 b/s and brings up the
radio in command mode. You can then send the ATRE command followed by ATWR to the XLR PRO to default the
radio, query the current parameters, or change radio parameters so that the XLR PRO can be used normally.
When you issue a write command, add a 100 ms delay or wait for an OK response before issuing any
subsequent AT commands.
Firmware updates
You can update the firmware on the XLR PRO using three different methods:
Web UI
Device Cloud
All three firmware update methods select the same XLR PRO firmware image.
Configuring the XLR PRO using XCTU
Configuring XLR PRO using the web configuration interface
Configuring XLR PRO using Device
on page 86 provide the detailed steps for loading this image.