Wheelchairs are not designed to function
as seats inside a vehicle and do not
provide the same level of safety as a
normal seat, irrespective of how well they
are secured inside the vehicle. DIETZ-
Power recommends that wheelchair users
transfer to a standard seat whenever
possible. If this is not possible, then the
following should be taken into account:
• This wheelchair is crashtested with
a 4-point strap tiedown system
according to ISO 7176-19 (2008)
considering a maximum passenger
weight of 102 kg.
• Ask the vehicle operator whether
the vehicle is suitable, insured and
equipped for the transportation of a user seated in a wheelchair.
Set all adjustments of the wheelchair in the neutral position (see 6.1).
Ensure that the controller is turned off.
DIETZ-Power recommends fitting and using the headrest during transportation.
• Any belt attached to the wheelchair will be purely for positioning purposes and
should not be used or relied on for occupant restraint in a moving vehicle.
It is vital that you are secured with a three-point seat belt attached to the floor
and the wall of the vehicle during transportation.
• The pelvis part of the three-point seat belt must be adjusted as tightly as
possible consistent with user comfort, at an angle between 30° and 75° and
should not be held away from the body by wheelchair components (figure 38).
• Both the pelvic and chest belts should be used to reduce the risk of head and
chest injuries in the event of colliding with parts in the car.