Dialogic PCI Linecard Installation and Replacement
Aug 2001 Ericsson Enterprise AB
Repeat steps 8–10 for each linecard.
If you have more than one PCI card installed, cable the cards together.
terminate the board at each end of the CTbus cable. CTbus termination jumpers are
ignored when the cards are used in an SCbus configuration.
a. Plug the first (end) connector on the CTbus cable to the CTbus edge connector on
the top edge of the first PCI card.
The connectors are designed to fit together one way only. If the connector does
not seat fully on the card, turn the cable around and try again. When attached
correctly, the colored stripe on the cable faces the rear bracket. (The stripe must be
adjacent to pin 1 on the card connector.)
b. Plug the last (opposite end) connector on the CTbus cable to the CTbus connector
on the last PCI card installed in the platform.
c. Plug a connector on the CTbus cable to the CTbus connector on each remaining
intermediary PCI card installed in the platform.
d. Tuck any extra connectors or loose ribbon cable down into the computer so that it
does not snag when you replace the platform cover.
Replace the cover on the platform and plug in the power cord.
Proceed to “Cabling Dialogic Linecards to the Telephone System.”