The following parameters are used in the screwing sample:
• Maximum time
Maximum time until the screwing level is aborted
• Friction measurement angle
Input of the angle range in which the friction monitoring should be active.
• Friction value creation: Mean value/maximum value
selectively the maximum value or mean value of the friction value can be used to
determine the friction torque.
• Minimum friction torque
Input of a minimum torque that must not be undershot by individual torque values
during the friction monitoring.
• Maximum friction torque
Input of a maximum torque that must not be exceeded by individual torque values
during the friction monitoring.
• Minimum friction value
Input of the minimum torque that must not be undershot by the friction torque.
• Maximum friction value
Input of the maximum torque that must not be exceeded by the friction torque. The
limits of the friction torque can be recorded tighter then the limits of the individual
friction values.
• Torque
Input of the rotation speed that should be used for the screwing application. Screwing on differential Torque
The function of the screwing sample is the adding of a torque to an occurring torque in the
screwing application in a previous stage (e.g. friction measurement).
Sequence of the screwing sample:
Figure 41: Screwing on differential Torque