4.2. Paraméterek beállítása
Az értékek bevitelének előkészítése
Ha a kijelző aktív, nyomja meg kétszer az gombot (<0.3 má
sodperc). A rendszer belép a
paraméterbeállítási üzem
módba, amelyben a kijelző paraméterei állíthatók. Nyomja meg
ismét kétszer (intervallum <0.3 másodperc), hogy visszatérjen
a főmenübe. A paraméter beállítási üzemmódban, amikor a be
állítani kívánt paraméter kezd el villogni, a +/- gomb megnyo
másával állítsa be a paraméter értékét. Röviden nyomja meg a
gombot a kívánt paraméterek közötti váltáshoz. Nyomja meg
kétszer (<0.3 másodperc) az almenüből való kilépéshez. Ha
10 másodpercig nem hajtunk végre műveletet, a rendszer visz
szatér az alapértelmezett menübe.
Az adatok visszaállítása
Nyomja meg kétszer (intervallum <0,3 másodperc) - a kijelző be
lép a
-be. A sebességmezőben a
jelenik meg. Ha meg
nyomja a gombot, megjelenik egy „
“ is. Most minden ideiglenes
adat, pl. a maximális sebesség (
), az átlagsebesség (
és az aktuális távolság (
) törölhető. Nyomja meg röviden
(<0,3 másodperc) a
beállításához. Ha a felhaszná
ló nem állítja vissza az adatokat, az egyszeri utazási távolság és
a felhalmozott teljes menetidő automatikusan megszűnik, ha a
felhalmozott teljes menetidő meghaladja a 99 órát és 59 percet.
Amikor a sebességmező megjeleníti az
-et, nyomja meg a
gombot a km/h és az mph közötti váltáshoz, vagy km vagy
mérföld beállításához. A beállítás után nyomja meg röviden
(<0,3 másodperc) a fényérzékenység beállítási felületét. Az
alapértelmezett kijelzés km-ben van megadva.
Ha a sebesség mező a
értéket jeleníti meg, nyomja meg a
gombot a 0 és 5 közötti érték kiválasztásához. Minél ma
gasabb a kiválasztott szám, annál nagyobb a fényérzékenység.
A beállítás után nyomja meg röviden (<0,3 másodperc) a hát
térvilágítás fényerejének beállításához.
Háttérvilágítás fényereje
A Ha a sebességmező a
értéket mutatja, nyomja meg a
gombot az 1 és 5 közötti szám kiválasztásához. Az 1. ábra
a legalacsonyabb fényerőt jelöli, míg az 5 a legmagasabb
háttérvilágítású fényerőt jelzi. A beállítás után nyomja meg
röviden (<0,3 másodperc) az automatikus kikapcsolási idő
beállítási felületéhez.
Automatikus kikapcsolási idő
Amikor a sebességmezőben megjelenik az
felirat (Ki),
nyomja meg a
gombot az 1 és 9 közötti szám kiválasztá
sához. Az számok jelzik a kijelző automatikus kikapcsolásá
hoz szükséges perceket. A beállítás után nyomja meg röviden
az (<0,3 másodperc) gombot a karbantartási figyelmeztetés
beállítási felületéhez.
Items to be Set
Data reset
Light sensitivity
Display backlight brightness
Automatic off time
Maintenance warning settings
Check wheel diameter
Speed Limit Setting
Speed model
Battery infromation10 error code
Setting Preparation
1) When the display is active, press
twice (interval < 0.3 seconds). The system
will enter the MENU parameter setting
state, in which the display parameters can
be set. Press
twice again (interval < 0.3
seconds) to return to the main menu.
2) If no operation is performed for 10 sec-
onds, the display will return to the normal
riding display.
3) In the parameter setting state, when the
parameter you want to set begins to flash,
press / to adjust the parameter value.
Briefly press
to switch between the pa-
rameters to be set. Press
twice (interval
< 0.3 seconds) to exit the submenu.
Data reset
twice (interval < 0.3 seconds) –
the display enters the MENU state. In the
speed field tC is displayed. If you press ,
a "y" is also displayed. Now all temporary
data, e.g. maximum speed (MAXS), average
speed (AVG) and single trip distance (TRIP)
can be cleared. Briefly press
(< 0.3 sec-
onds) to enter the km/mile setting interface.
If the user does not reset the data, the single
trip distance and the accumulated total rid-
ing time will be automatically cleared when
the accumulated total riding time exceeds
99 hours and 59 minutes.
* The data will not be cleared when the
display’s light-sensing function is set to 0 or
when it is switched off!
When the speed field displays S7, press
/ to switch between km/h and mph, or
to set km or mile. After this setting, briefly
(< 0.3 seconds) to enter the
setting interface of light sensitivity. Default
display is km.
Light Sensitivity
When the speed field displays bL0, press
/ to choose a figure between 0 and 5.
The higher the chosen figure, the higher the
light sensitivity.
Items to be Set
Data reset
Light sensitivity
Display backlight brightness
Automatic off time
Maintenance warning settings
Check wheel diameter
Speed Limit Setting
Speed model
Battery infromation10 error code
Setting Preparation
1) When the display is active, press
twice (interval < 0.3 seconds). The system
will enter the MENU parameter setting
state, in which the display parameters can
be set. Press
twice again (interval < 0.3
seconds) to return to the main menu.
2) If no operation is performed for 10 sec-
onds, the display will return to the normal
riding display.
3) In the parameter setting state, when the
parameter you want to set begins to flash,
press / to adjust the parameter value.
Briefly press
to switch between the pa-
rameters to be set. Press
twice (interval
< 0.3 seconds) to exit the submenu.
Data reset
twice (interval < 0.3 seconds) –
the display enters the MENU state. In the
speed field tC is displayed. If you press ,
a "y" is also displayed. Now all temporary
data, e.g. maximum speed (MAXS), average
speed (AVG) and single trip distance (TRIP)
can be cleared. Briefly press
(< 0.3 sec-
onds) to enter the km/mile setting interface.
If the user does not reset the data, the single
trip distance and the accumulated total rid-
ing time will be automatically cleared when
the accumulated total riding time exceeds
99 hours and 59 minutes.
* The data will not be cleared when the
display’s light-sensing function is set to 0 or
when it is switched off!
When the speed field displays S7, press
/ to switch between km/h and mph, or
to set km or mile. After this setting, briefly
(< 0.3 seconds) to enter the
setting interface of light sensitivity. Default
display is km.
Light Sensitivity
When the speed field displays bL0, press
/ to choose a figure between 0 and 5.
The higher the chosen figure, the higher the
light sensitivity.
Items to be Set
Data reset
Light sensitivity
Display backlight brightness
Automatic off time
Maintenance warning settings
Check wheel diameter
Speed Limit Setting
Speed model
Battery infromation10 error code
Setting Preparation
1) When the display is active, press
twice (interval < 0.3 seconds). The system
will enter the MENU parameter setting
state, in which the display parameters can
be set. Press
twice again (interval < 0.3
seconds) to return to the main menu.
2) If no operation is performed for 10 sec-
onds, the display will return to the normal
riding display.
3) In the parameter setting state, when the
parameter you want to set begins to flash,
press / to adjust the parameter value.
Briefly press
to switch between the pa-
rameters to be set. Press
twice (interval
< 0.3 seconds) to exit the submenu.
Data reset
twice (interval < 0.3 seconds) –
the display enters the MENU state. In the
speed field tC is displayed. If you press ,
a "y" is also displayed. Now all temporary
data, e.g. maximum speed (MAXS), average
speed (AVG) and single trip distance (TRIP)
can be cleared. Briefly press
(< 0.3 sec-
onds) to enter the km/mile setting interface.
If the user does not reset the data, the single
trip distance and the accumulated total rid-
ing time will be automatically cleared when
the accumulated total riding time exceeds
99 hours and 59 minutes.
* The data will not be cleared when the
display’s light-sensing function is set to 0 or
when it is switched off!
When the speed field displays S7, press
/ to switch between km/h and mph, or
to set km or mile. After this setting, briefly
(< 0.3 seconds) to enter the
setting interface of light sensitivity. Default
display is km.
Light Sensitivity
When the speed field displays bL0, press
/ to choose a figure between 0 and 5.
The higher the chosen figure, the higher the
light sensitivity.
After this setting, briefly press
(< 0.3
seconds) to enter the setting interface of
backlight brightness.
Display Backlight Brightness
When the speed field displays bL1, press
/ to choose a figure between 1 and 5.
The figure 1 represents the lowest brightness
while 5 indicates the highest display back-
light brightness.
After this setting, briefly press
(< 0.3
seconds) to enter the setting interface of
automatic off time.
Automatic Off Time
When the speed field displays OFF, press
/ to choose a figure between 1 and 9.
The figures indicate the minutes that it takes
to automatically shut down the display.
After this setting, briefly press
(< 0.3
seconds) to enter the setting interface of
maintenance warning.
Maintenance Warning
(can be deacti-
When the speed field displays nnA, press
/ to choose either 0 or 1. 0 disables the
function while 1 enables it.
1) The display will prompt maintenance
necessity based on such information as the
accumulated riding distance and the battery
charge cycles.
2) When the accumulated total riding dis-
tance exceeds 5,000 km (can be customized
by the manufacturer), the display will show
the symbol
. When the display is
started up, the sign for accumulated riding
distance will flash for 4 seconds, indicating
that maintenance is necessary.
3) When the number of battery charge cy-
cles exceeds 100 (can be customized by the
manufacturer), the display will the symbol
. When the display is started up,
the sign for battery will flash for 4 seconds,
indicating that maintenance is necessary.
4) The maintenance alert function can be
disabled: settings ->maintenance alert (MA)
-> 0. (Maintenance alert can also be set via
a computer. This requires a USB connection.
See also the parameter setting instructions).
After this setting, briefly press
(< 0.3
seconds) to enter the setting interface of
backlight brightness.
Display Backlight Brightness
When the speed field displays bL1, press
/ to choose a figure between 1 and 5.
The figure 1 represents the lowest brightness
while 5 indicates the highest display back-
light brightness.
After this setting, briefly press
(< 0.3
seconds) to enter the setting interface of
automatic off time.
Automatic Off Time
When the speed field displays OFF, press
/ to choose a figure between 1 and 9.
The figures indicate the minutes that it takes
to automatically shut down the display.
After this setting, briefly press
(< 0.3
seconds) to enter the setting interface of
maintenance warning.
Maintenance Warning
(can be deacti-
When the speed field displays nnA, press
/ to choose either 0 or 1. 0 disables the
function while 1 enables it.
1) The display will prompt maintenance
necessity based on such information as the
accumulated riding distance and the battery
charge cycles.
2) When the accumulated total riding dis-
tance exceeds 5,000 km (can be customized
by the manufacturer), the display will show
the symbol
. When the display is
started up, the sign for accumulated riding
distance will flash for 4 seconds, indicating
that maintenance is necessary.
3) When the number of battery charge cy-
cles exceeds 100 (can be customized by the
manufacturer), the display will the symbol
. When the display is started up,
the sign for battery will flash for 4 seconds,
indicating that maintenance is necessary.
4) The maintenance alert function can be
disabled: settings ->maintenance alert (MA)
-> 0. (Maintenance alert can also be set via
a computer. This requires a USB connection.
See also the parameter setting instructions).
After this setting, briefly press
(< 0.3
seconds) to enter the setting interface of
backlight brightness.
Display Backlight Brightness
When the speed field displays bL1, press
/ to choose a figure between 1 and 5.
The figure 1 represents the lowest brightness
while 5 indicates the highest display back-
light brightness.
After this setting, briefly press
(< 0.3
seconds) to enter the setting interface of
automatic off time.
Automatic Off Time
When the speed field displays OFF, press
/ to choose a figure between 1 and 9.
The figures indicate the minutes that it takes
to automatically shut down the display.
After this setting, briefly press
(< 0.3
seconds) to enter the setting interface of
maintenance warning.
Maintenance Warning
(can be deacti-
When the speed field displays nnA, press
/ to choose either 0 or 1. 0 disables the
function while 1 enables it.
1) The display will prompt maintenance
necessity based on such information as the
accumulated riding distance and the battery
charge cycles.
2) When the accumulated total riding dis-
tance exceeds 5,000 km (can be customized
by the manufacturer), the display will show
the symbol
. When the display is
started up, the sign for accumulated riding
distance will flash for 4 seconds, indicating
that maintenance is necessary.
3) When the number of battery charge cy-
cles exceeds 100 (can be customized by the
manufacturer), the display will the symbol
. When the display is started up,
the sign for battery will flash for 4 seconds,
indicating that maintenance is necessary.
4) The maintenance alert function can be
disabled: settings ->maintenance alert (MA)
-> 0. (Maintenance alert can also be set via
a computer. This requires a USB connection.
See also the parameter setting instructions).
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