background image

4.1. Delovanje


Vklopite napravo, za vklop zaslona pritisnite   in držite 2 sekundi. Če kolo ne uporabljate, se po 

5 minutah zaslon samodejno izklopi.

Način pomoči

V načinu ročnega prestavljanja prit ali -, da 

izberete  želeno  raven  podpore  motorja.  Najnižja 

raven je nivo 1, najvišja raven 5. Ko je zaslon vklo


pljen, je privzeti način 1. stopnja.

Osvetlitev zaslona




DP C10.UART   


• Switch between Distance Mode and 

Speed Mode

Briefly press 

 to switch between distance 

and speed. Single-trip distance (TRIP km) , 
total distance (TOTAL km) maximum speed 
(MAXS km/h) ,average riding speed (AVG 
km/h) , remaining distance(RANGE) and 
energy consumption (C) are displayed in 
successive order.(Switch mode interface as 


• Headlight/ Display Backlight Switch


 for 2 seconds. The backlight of 

the display as well as the headlight and tail-
light will be turned on. Press 

 again for 

2 seconds to power off the display backlight 
/ headlight / taillight. There are 5 levels of 
backlight brightness that can be selected by 
the user. (If the display is turned on in a dark 
environment, the display backlight / head-
light / taillight will be turned on automati-
cally. If the display backlight / headlight / tail-
light are turned off manually, they also need 
to be turned on manually afterwards)  


• Walk Assistance

Press   for 2 seconds. The e-bike enters 
the walk assistance mode, and the symbol 
WALK is displayed. Once the key   is 
released, the e-bike will exit the walk as-
sistance mode.

. 2 sekundi. Osvetlitev zaslona kot tudi 

žarometi in zadnje luči se vklopijo. Ponovno priti





DP C10.UART   


Switch between Distance Mode and 
Speed Mode

Briefly press 

 to switch between distance 

and speed. Single-trip distance (TRIP km) , 
total distance (TOTAL km) maximum speed 
(MAXS km/h) ,average riding speed (AVG 
km/h) , remaining distance(RANGE) and 
energy consumption (C) are displayed in 
successive order.(Switch mode interface as 


Headlight/ Display Backlight Switch


 for 2 seconds. The backlight of 

the display as well as the headlight and tail-
light will be turned on. Press 

 again for 

2 seconds to power off the display backlight 
/ headlight / taillight. There are 5 levels of 
backlight brightness that can be selected by 
the user. (If the display is turned on in a dark 
environment, the display backlight / head-
light / taillight will be turned on automati-
cally. If the display backlight / headlight / tail-
light are turned off manually, they also need 
to be turned on manually afterwards)  


Walk Assistance

Press   for 2 seconds. The e-bike enters 
the walk assistance mode, and the symbol 
WALK is displayed. Once the key   is 
released, the e-bike will exit the walk as-
sistance mode.

  2  sekundi,  da  izklopite  osvetlitev  ozadja 

/ žarometov / žarometov. Ima 5 stopenj svetlosti 

osvetlitve, ki jih lahko izbere uporabnik. (Če je za


slon vklopljen v  temnem  okolju,  zaslon  osvetlitve 

oz/  zadnja  luč  se  bo  samodejno  vklopila.  Če  je 

osvetlitev ozadja / žarometa / zadnje luči izkloplje


na ročno, ju je treba nato tudi ročno vklopiti.

Način ‘sprehod’

Pritisnite - 2 sekundi. E-kolo vstopi v način pomoči 

za sprehod in simbol 


 se premakne. Ko je ključ 

spuščen, bo e-kolo zapustil način pomoči pri hoji.

Zamenjajte med načini razdalje in hitrosti

Na kratko pritisnite  ,da preklopite med razdaljo in 

hitrostjo.  Razdalja  za  eno vožnjo  (


),  sku


pna razdalja (


), največja hitrost (



), povprečna hitrost vožnje (

AVG km/h

), pre


ostala razdalja (


) in poraba energije 



prikazani zaporedno.

Indikator stanja baterije

Ko je stanje baterije normalno, se glede na dejansko 

količino  polnjenja  osvetli  določeno  število  baterij 

LCD in meja. Če se bo vseh 10 segmentov utihnilo, 

če bo meja utripala, je treba baterijo takoj napolniti.










ON/OFF Switch

Turn on the device, press and hold 


2s to power on the display. Press and hold 

 again for 2s to power off the display, If 

the bike is not used, after 5 minutes (time 
can be set) the display will be automatically 
turned off.


Assist Mode Selection

In the manual gearshift mode, press the   
or   choose the desired level of support by 
the motor. The lowest level is Level 1, the 
highest Level 5. When the display is on, the 
default mode is Level 1. When there is no 
numeric mode display, there is no power 

(power assistance lever selection interface as 
below figure)



Headlight button

Switch button

Mode button

Up button

Down button



DP C10.UART   


Switch between Distance Mode and 
Speed Mode

Briefly press 

 to switch between distance 

and speed. Single-trip distance (TRIP km) , 
total distance (TOTAL km) maximum speed 
(MAXS km/h) ,average riding speed (AVG 
km/h) , remaining distance(RANGE) and 
energy consumption (C) are displayed in 
successive order.(Switch mode interface as 


Headlight/ Display Backlight Switch


 for 2 seconds. The backlight of 

the display as well as the headlight and tail-
light will be turned on. Press 

 again for 

2 seconds to power off the display backlight 
/ headlight / taillight. There are 5 levels of 
backlight brightness that can be selected by 
the user. (If the display is turned on in a dark 
environment, the display backlight / head-
light / taillight will be turned on automati-
cally. If the display backlight / headlight / tail-
light are turned off manually, they also need 
to be turned on manually afterwards)  


Walk Assistance

Press   for 2 seconds. The e-bike enters 
the walk assistance mode, and the symbol 
WALK is displayed. Once the key   is 
released, the e-bike will exit the walk as-
sistance mode.



DP C10.UART   


Switch between Distance Mode and 
Speed Mode

Briefly press 

 to switch between distance 

and speed. Single-trip distance (TRIP km) , 
total distance (TOTAL km) maximum speed 
(MAXS km/h) ,average riding speed (AVG 
km/h) , remaining distance(RANGE) and 
energy consumption (C) are displayed in 
successive order.(Switch mode interface as 


Headlight/ Display Backlight Switch


 for 2 seconds. The backlight of 

the display as well as the headlight and tail-
light will be turned on. Press 

 again for 

2 seconds to power off the display backlight 
/ headlight / taillight. There are 5 levels of 
backlight brightness that can be selected by 
the user. (If the display is turned on in a dark 
environment, the display backlight / head-
light / taillight will be turned on automati-
cally. If the display backlight / headlight / tail-
light are turned off manually, they also need 
to be turned on manually afterwards)  


Walk Assistance

Press   for 2 seconds. The e-bike enters 
the walk assistance mode, and the symbol 
WALK is displayed. Once the key   is 
released, the e-bike will exit the walk as-
sistance mode.



DP C10.UART   


Switch between Distance Mode and 
Speed Mode

Briefly press 

 to switch between distance 

and speed. Single-trip distance (TRIP km) , 
total distance (TOTAL km) maximum speed 
(MAXS km/h) ,average riding speed (AVG 
km/h) , remaining distance(RANGE) and 
energy consumption (C) are displayed in 
successive order.(Switch mode interface as 


Headlight/ Display Backlight Switch


 for 2 seconds. The backlight of 

the display as well as the headlight and tail-
light will be turned on. Press 

 again for 

2 seconds to power off the display backlight 
/ headlight / taillight. There are 5 levels of 
backlight brightness that can be selected by 
the user. (If the display is turned on in a dark 
environment, the display backlight / head-
light / taillight will be turned on automati-
cally. If the display backlight / headlight / tail-
light are turned off manually, they also need 
to be turned on manually afterwards)  


Walk Assistance

Press   for 2 seconds. The e-bike enters 
the walk assistance mode, and the symbol 
WALK is displayed. Once the key   is 
released, the e-bike will exit the walk as-
sistance mode.







Battery Status Indication

When the battery status is normal, a certain number of the battery LCD segments as well as the bor-
der light up according to the actual quantity of charge. If all of the 10 segments will black out with 
the border blinking, the battery needs to be charged immediately.


Battery status indication

Number of 


Charge in 


Number of 


Charge in 


Number of 


Charge in 


























When display turns off, connect the USB 
cable to the port of the display and then dis-
play turn on and begin charge. If display is 
being on, only connect the USB cable to the 
port to the display and display begin charge. 
Maximum charge voltage is 5V


charge current is 500mA

4.2. Nastavitev parametrov


Ko  je  zaslon  aktiven,  dvakrat  pritisnite    (interval  <0,3 

sekunde).  Sistem  bo  vstopil  v  stanje  nastavitve  para


metrov  MENU,  v  katerem  je  mogoče  nastaviti  para


metre  prikaza.  Ponovno  dvakrat  pritisnite    (interval 

<0,3  sekunde),  da  se  vrnete  v  glavni  meni.  Če  se  10 

sekund  ne  izvede  nobena  operacija,  se  bo  zaslon  vrnil 

na  običajen  prikaz  vožnje.  V  stanju  nastavitve  parame


trov,  ko  začne  parameter,  ki  ga  želite  nastaviti,  utripa


ti,  pritisnite  +  ali  -  za  nastavitev  vrednosti  parametra. 

Na kratko pritisnite  , da preklopite med parametri, ki jih 

želite nastaviti. Za izhod iz podmenija dvakrat pritisnite   

(interval <0,3 sekunde).

Ponastavitev podatkov

Pritisnite  dvakrat    <0,3  sekunde)  -  zaslon vstopi v  stanje 

MENU. V polju za hitrost se prikaže 


. Če pritisnete, se pri


kaže tudi „y“. Zdaj vse začasne podatke, npr. najvišjo hitrost 



), povprečno hitrost (


) in enojno potovanje (


lahko počistite. Na kratko pritisnite   (<0,3 sekunde) za vstop 

v vmesnik za nastavitev km / milje. Če uporabnik ne ponasta


vi podatkov, se posamezna razdalja potovanja in skupni čas 

vožnje samodejno izbrišeta, ko skupni čas vožnje preseže 99 

ur in 59 minut. Podatki se ne izbrišejo, ko je funkcija zaznava


nja svetlobe na zaslonu nastavljena na 0 ali ko je izklopljena!


Ko polje hitrosti prikaže 


, pritisnite 




, da preklo


pite  med  km/h  in  mph,  ali  nastavite  kilometre  ali  milje. 

Po tej nastavitvi na kratko pritisnite   (<0,3 sekunde), da 

vstopite v nastavitveni vmesnik občutljivosti na svetlobo. 

Privzeti prikaz je km.

Svetlobna občutljivost

Ko polje hitrosti prikaže 


, pritisnite 




, da izberete števil


ko med 0 in 5. Višja kot je izbrana številka, višja je občutljivost 

na svetlobo. Po tej nastavitvi na kratko pritisnite   (<0,3 se


kunde), da vstopite v vmesnik za nastavitev osvetlitve ozadja.

Svetlost osvetlitve zaslona

Ko  polje  hitrosti  prikaže 


,  pritisnite 




,  da  izberete 

številko med 1 in 5. Slika 1 predstavlja najnižjo svetlost, 

medtem ko 5 označuje najvišjo svetlost zaslona. Po tej na


stavitvi na kratko pritisnite   (<0,3 sekunde), da vstopite v 

vmesnik za samodejni izklop.

Avtomatični izklop

Ko polje hitrosti prikaže 


, pritisnite 




, da izberete 

številko  med  1  in  9.  Številke  prikazujejo  minute,  ki  so 

potrebne  za  samodejno  zaustavitev  zaslona.  Po  tej  na


stavitvi na kratko pritisnite   (< 0.3 seconds) to enter the 

setting interface of maintenance warning.



Delovanje in navodila za vzdrževanje koles

Delovanje in navodila za vzdrževanje koles

Содержание E-Royal Modest 2021

Страница 1: ...tion and maintenance manual Z ru n list N vod na obsluhu a dr bu bicykla Z ru n list N vod na obsluhu a dr bu j zdn ho kola Garancialev l Haszn lati s karbantart si tmutat a ker kp rhoz Garancijski ce...

Страница 2: ...bicyklov ktor je zaregistrovan a chr nen ochrannou zn mkou Tento n vod v m pom e nastavi a udr iava v elektrobicykel tak aby v m o najdlh ie sl il k Va ej spokojnosti Taktie v m vysvetl podmienky z ru...

Страница 3: ...trobicykla 6 3 Bat rie 6 3 1 Mont a demont nosi ovej bat rie 6 3 2 Nab janie nosi ovej bat rie 7 4 Cyklocomputer 8 4 1 Z kladn ovl danie 9 4 2 Nastavenie parametrov 10 4 3 V znam poruchov ch hl ok 12...

Страница 4: ...v len v robcom Nedodr anie tohto pokynu zru z ruku a zodpovednos Pred isten m vyberte bat riu z elek trobicykla Pri isten bat rie sa uistite e sa nedot ka iadnych vodiv ch povrchov mohlo by d js k por...

Страница 5: ...lnku Ovl da cyklocomputera d va ve mi dobr odozvu je robustn a ahko ovl date n Cel syst m nie je obmedzen na pou vanie len bat ri svojej v roby a tak mo no pou i irok spektrum bat ri vhodn ch na elekt...

Страница 6: ...jazdy K vyberte zo z mku a starostlivo uchovajte pre bud cu demont bat rie Mont a vyjmut aku baterie Mont aku baterie BT E6000 BT E6001 1 Polo te aku baterii na vodic kolejnice dr ku a posu te ji dop...

Страница 7: ...zorn n Na nab janie pou vajte v hradne nab ja ku dod van spolo ne s bat riou a dbajte aby nedo lo k z mene s inou nab ja kou Nab ja ku pou vajte iba vo vn torn ch priestoroch a nevysta vujte ju vode a...

Страница 8: ...puter DP C10 je ur en na riadenie syst mu Bafang a pre zobrazovanie dajov o jazde Displej computeru 1 Ukazovate stavu bat rie 2 Varovn hl ka dr by 3 Indik cia predn ho svetla 4 Re im vzdialenosti 5 Uk...

Страница 9: ...p distance TRIP km total distance TOTAL km maximum speed MAXS km h average riding speed AVG km h remaining distance RANGE and energy consumption C are displayed in successive order Switch mode interfa...

Страница 10: automatically cleared when the accumulated total riding time exceeds 99 hours and 59 minutes The data will not be cleared when the display s light sensing function is set to 0 or when it is switch...

Страница 11: ...kes to automatically shut down the display vated When the speed field displays nnA press to choose either 0 or 1 0 disables the function while 1 enables it 1 The display will prompt maintenance necess...

Страница 12: ...t Preverte zapojenie ovl dania 5 Likvid cia elektro pr strojov V en spotrebite pokia v robok jedn ho d a dosl i je potrebn ho ekologicky zlikvidova aby neza a oval ivotn prostredie Pri likvid cii v r...

Страница 13: ...N vod na obsluhu a dr bu elektrobicykla SK 13...

Страница 14: ...ovinen zajistit kompletn p edprodejn servis j zdn ho kola V robce nen zodpov dn za jak koliv zran n zavin n nedostate n m p edprodejn m servisem nespr v nou dr bou nebo nespr vn m pou v n m P ejeme V...

Страница 15: ...v n elektrokola 18 3 Baterie 18 3 1 Mont a demont nosi ov baterie 18 3 2 Nab jen nosi ov baterie 19 4 Cyklocomputer 20 4 1 Z kladn ovl d n 21 4 2 Nastaven parametr 22 4 3 V znam chybov ch k d 24 5 Li...

Страница 16: ...obcem Nedodr en tohoto pokynu zru z ruku a odpov dnost P ed i t n m vyjm te baterie z elekt rokola P i i t n baterie se ujist te e se nedot k dn ch vodiv ch povrch mohlo by doj t k poran n a po kozen...

Страница 17: m slunci Ovlada cyklocomputeru d v velice dobrou odezvu je robustn a snadno ovladateln Cel syst m nen omezen na pou v n pouze bateri sv v roby tak e lze pou t irok spek trum bateri vhodn ch na elek...

Страница 18: ...odcizen m tak jako pojistka proti samovoln mu vypadnut baterie b hem j zdy Kl vyjm teze z mku a pe liv uchovejte pro budouc demont baterie Mont a vyjmut aku baterie Mont aku baterie BT E6000 BT E6001...

Страница 19: ...Vypn te syst m elektropohonu a pokra ujte bez asistence Baterii urychlen dobijte Upozorn n Na nab jen pou vejte v hradn nab je ku dod vanou spole n s bateri a dbejte aby nedo lo k z m n s jinou nab j...

Страница 20: ...kapacity 4 Cyklocomputer Palubn po ta DP C10 je ur en k zen syst mu Bafang a pro zobrazov n daj o j zd Displej computeru 1 Ukazatel stavu baterie 2 Varovn hl ka dr by 3 Indikace p edn ho sv tla 4 Re...

Страница 21: h average riding speed AVG km h remaining distance RANGE and energy consumption C are displayed in successive order Switch mode interface as below Headlight Display Backlight Switch Press for 2 sec...

Страница 22: ...n the accumulated total riding time exceeds 99 hours and 59 minutes The data will not be cleared when the display s light sensing function is set to 0 or when it is switched off Km mile When the speed...

Страница 23: ...ed When the speed field displays nnA press to choose either 0 or 1 0 disables the function while 1 enables it 1 The display will prompt maintenance necessity based on such information as the accumulat...

Страница 24: ...a p enosu dat Zkontrolujte zapojen ovl d n 5 Likvidace elektro p stroj V en spot ebiteli pokud v robek jednoho dne doslou je t eba ho ekologicky zlikvidovat aby nezat oval ivotn prost ed P i likvidaci...

Страница 25: ...N vod na obsluhu a dr bu elektrokola CZ 25...

Страница 26: ...rves as a certificate of warranty as well Also please note that the seller must provide a complete pre sale bicycle servicing The manufacturer is not liable for any injury caused by inadequate Pre sal...

Страница 27: ...ike 30 3 Battery 30 3 1 Assembly and disassembly of battery 30 3 2 Charging the battery 31 4 Cycle computer 32 4 1 Normal operation 33 4 2 Parameter setting 34 4 3 Error code definition 36 5 Disposal...

Страница 28: ...delec Failure to observe this will void the warranty and liability Remove the baeries from the pedelec before cleaning it When cleaning the battery make sure that it does not touch any conducve surfac...

Страница 29: ...ating of the overall system is integrated into the HMI and does not require an additional handlebar controller The entire system is not limited to using only the batteries of its production so it is p...

Страница 30: ...against theft and in addition as a safeguard against spontaneous battery falling out during riding Take the key from the lock and keep in safe place for future battery removal Mont a vyjmut aku bateri...

Страница 31: The battery charger can be used only indoor Avoid any contact with water or other fluids while charging the battery If the battery charger or any connections become wet immediately unplug the charg...

Страница 32: ...i As In ch Th W 1 no He Pre Briefly press to switch between distance and speed Single trip distance TRIP km total distance TOTAL km maximum speed MAXS km h average riding speed AVG km h remaining dist...

Страница 33: between Distance Mode and Speed Mode Briefly press to switch between distance and speed Single trip distance TRIP km total distance TOTAL km maximum speed MAXS km h average riding speed AVG km h re...

Страница 34: ...ce If the user does not reset the data the single trip distance and the accumulated total rid ing time will be automatically cleared when the accumulated total riding time exceeds 99 hours and 59 minu...

Страница 35: ...customized by the manufacturer the display will show the symbol When the display is started up the sign for accumulated riding distance will flash for 4 seconds indicating that maintenance is necessar...

Страница 36: ...on 5 Disposal of electronic equipment Dear consumer if one day the product serves out it is necessary to dispose of it in an eco logical manner that doesn t harm the environment When disposing of the...

Страница 37: ...E bike operation and maintenance manual EN 37...

Страница 38: ...lli tsa be e s tartsa karban az elektromos kere kpa rja t u gy hogy mine l tova bb szolga lja O nt a legnagyobb el gedetts g re Elmagyara zza a jo ta lla s felte teleit e s egy ben garancialeve lke n...

Страница 39: ...n lata 42 3 Akkumul tor 42 3 1 Az akkumul tor kiv tele s behelyez se az akkumul torh zba 42 3 2 Az akkumul tor t lt se 43 4 Ker kp rcomputer 44 4 1 Alap vez rl s 45 4 2 Param terek be ll t sa 46 4 3 H...

Страница 40: ...eredeti alkatr szeket haszn ljon az elektromos ker kp rhoz Ezen utas t s betart s nak elmulaszt sa rv nytelen ti a j t ll st s a felel s s get Tiszt t s el tt vegye ki az akkumul tort az elektromos k...

Страница 41: ...teszi hogy m g f nyes napf nyben is ttekinthet legyen A ker kp rvez rl nagyon gyors reakci s robusztus s k nnyen kezelhet Az eg sz rendszer nem csak a gy ri akkumul torok haszn lat ra korl toz dik gy...

Страница 42: ...Az akkumul tor a behelyez s ut n automatikusan le van z rva Az akkumul tor z ra a lop s el leni v delem mellett biztos t k a kies s ellen is Vegye ki a kulcsot a z rb l s t rolja biztons gos helyen ho...

Страница 43: ...kkuval egy tt sz ll tott t lt t haszn lja s gyeljen arra hogy ne cse r l dj n el m s t lt vel A t lt t csak bels terekben haszn lja s ne tegye ki v z s nedves k rnyezet hat s nak Az akku t lt se 0 40...

Страница 44: ...Ma r s leg 5 me a r fel F n Ny Speed Mode Briefly press to switch between distance and speed Single trip distance TRIP km total distance TOTAL km maximum speed MAXS km h average riding speed AVG km h...

Страница 45: ...hift mode press the or choose the desired level of support by the motor The lowest level is Level 1 the highest Level 5 When the display is on the default mode is Level 1 When there is no numeric mode...

Страница 46: ...sensing function is set to 0 or when it is switched off Km mile When the speed field displays S7 press to switch between km h and mph or to set km or mile After this setting briefly press 0 3 seconds...

Страница 47: ...ance and the battery charge cycles 2 When the accumulated total riding dis tance exceeds 5 000 km can be customized by the manufacturer the display will show the symbol When the display is started up...

Страница 48: ...zet keket 5 Az elektromos berendez sek megsemmis t se Tisztelt Fogyaszt amennyiben egy nap e gy rtm ny felmondja a szolg latot sz ks g lesz ar ra hogy kol giailag tiszta m don semmis ts k meg nehogy t...

Страница 49: slu i kot potrdilo o garanciji Upo tevajte tudi da mora prodajalec zagotoviti popolno predprodajno servisiranje kolesa Proizvajalec ne odgovarja za po kodbe ki bi nastale zaradi neustrezne predprod...

Страница 50: ...3 2 Polnjenje baterije 55 4 Kolesarski ra unalnik 56 4 1 Delovanje 57 4 2 Nastavitev parametrov 58 4 3 Opis napak 60 5 Odstranjevanje elektronske opreme 60 1 Va da zak Na s p pe 25 np va im Po Up suh...

Страница 51: ...odobril proizvajalec Neupo tevanje tega pogoja izni i garancijo in odgovornost Pred i enjem odstranite baterijo iz pedeleka Pri i enju baterije pazite da se ne dotika nobenih prevodnih povr in saj bi...

Страница 52: ...v Je robusten in enostaven za uporabo Celoten sistem ni omejen le na uporabo akumulatorjev njegove proizvodnje zato je mo no uporabiti iroko paleto baterij primernih za elektri na kolesa Motor Model M...

Страница 53: ...spontanim izpadom baterije med vo njo Vzemite klju iz klju avnice in ga hranite na varnem mestu za nadaljnjo odstranitev baterije Mont a vyjmut aku baterie Mont aku baterie BT E6000 BT E6001 1 Polo te...

Страница 54: ...ij lahko uporabljate samo v zaprtih prostorih Med polnjenjem baterije se izogibajte stiku z vodo ali drugimi teko inami e se baterija polnilec ali druge povezave zmo ijo pred polnjenjem baterije takoj...

Страница 55: predstavlja vsak segment se lah ko prilagodi Opozorilo o vzdr evanju e je potrebno vzdr evanje se prika e simbol SERVICE Indikacija arometa prika e se samo pri vklopljenem arometu ali osvetlitvi oz...

Страница 56: ...elow Headlight Display Backlight Switch Press for 2 seconds The backlight of the display as well as the headlight and tail light will be turned on Press again for 2 seconds to power off the display ba...

Страница 57: cleared when the accumulated total riding time exceeds 99 hours and 59 minutes The data will not be cleared when the display s light sensing function is set to 0 or when it is switched off Km mile...

Страница 58: ...display is started up the sign for accumulated riding distance will flash for 4 seconds indicating that maintenance is necessary 3 When the number of battery charge cy cles exceeds 100 can be customiz...

Страница 59: ...a V polju za hitrost se prika e ena od naslednjih kod napak Koda napake Opis napake Re evanje napak 04 Plin se ni vrnil domov Preverite ali se je plin vrnil domov 05 Okvara plina Preverite motor 07 Pr...

Страница 60: ......
