background image

Karbantartási figyelmeztetés

Amikor  a  sebességmező  megjeleníti  az 



nyomja meg a 




 gombot a 0 vagy a 1 opció kiválasz


tásához. 0 a funkció kikapcsolása, míg az 1 megjeleníti 

a figyelmeztetést. A kijelző a karbantartási szükségletet 

olyan információk alapján igényli, mint pl.a felhalmozott 

megtett távolság és az akkumulátor töltési ciklusai. Ha a 

felhalmozott teljes távolság meghaladja az 5000 km-t (a 

gyártó szabja meg), a kijelzőn a (service) szimbólum lát


ható. A kijelző bekapcsolásakor a felhalmozott teljes távolság jelzése 4 másodpercig villog, je


lezve, hogy a karbantartás szükséges. Ha az akkumulátor töltési ciklusainak száma meghaladja 

a 100-at (a gyártó szabja meg), a kijelzőn a(service) szimbólum jelenik meg. A kijelző bekapcso


lásakor az akkumulátor jelzője 4 másodpercig villog, jelezve, hogy karbantartás szükséges. A 

karbantartás riasztás funkció kikapcsolható: 

settings ->maintenance alert (MA) -> 0

. (A karbantartási 

riasztást számítógépen is beállíthatja, USB-kapcsolatot igényel, lásd a paraméterek beállítását is).

Kerékátmérő ellenőrzése

A sebességmező a 


 feliratot jelzi, a méretek angol mértékegységben – coll


ban vannak megadva. A rossz kerékátmérő a végsebesség és gyorsulás rendelle


nességeihez vezethet. E beállítás után nyomja meg röviden   (<0,3 másodperc) 

a sebesség korlátozás beállítási felületéhez.

Sebességkorlátozási beállítás

Amikor a sebességmező az 


-t jelzi, a távolságmező megjeleníti a sebesség 

korlátozás értékét. A minimális érték 12 km/ó, a maximális érték 60 km/óra. 

Beállítás után röviden (<0.3 másodperc) nyomja meg a   gombot az akkumulá


tor kommunikáció menüjébe való belépéshez.

Az akkumulátor adatai

A sebesség mező a 


-et és a távolsági mező a sebességlimitet mutassa. 

Nyomja meg az üzemmódgombot   (<0,3 másodperc) az adatok görgetésé


hez. A beálítás után nyomja meg ismét az üzemmód gombját a hibaüzenetet 

kiolvasásához. Az adatok csak akkor jelennek meg, ha hibátlan kommuniká


ció van az akkumulátor és a vezérlő között. Másként csak 


 jelenik meg. 

Az akkumulátor adatait az alábbi táblázat magyarázza.








Jelenlegi hőmérséklet



Töltési / kisütési ciklusok


Teljes feszültség



A leghosszabb töltés nélküli 




Átlagos áram értéke



Az utolsó töltés óta eltelt idő



A fennmaradó kapacitás



Szegmensek száma



Teljes kapacitás



1.Szegmens feszültsége



Relatív töltési állapot


2.Szegmens feszültsége



Abszolút töltési állapot


n.Szegmens feszültsége






After this setting, briefly press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the setting interface of 
backlight brightness.


Display Backlight Brightness

When the speed field displays bL1, press   
/   to choose a figure between 1 and 5. 
The figure 1 represents the lowest brightness 
while 5 indicates the highest display back-
light brightness. 

After this setting, briefly press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the setting interface of 
automatic off time.


Automatic Off Time

When the speed field displays OFF, press   
/   to choose a figure between 1 and 9. 
The figures indicate the minutes that it takes 
to automatically shut down the display.

After this setting, briefly press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the setting interface of 
maintenance warning.


Maintenance Warning 

(can be deacti-


When the speed field displays nnA, press   
/   to choose either 0 or 1. 0 disables the 
function while 1 enables it.

1) The display will prompt maintenance 
necessity based on such information as the 
accumulated riding distance and the battery 
charge cycles.

2) When the accumulated total riding dis-
tance exceeds 5,000 km (can be customized 
by the manufacturer), the display will show 
the symbol 

 . When the display is 

started up, the sign for accumulated riding 
distance will flash for 4 seconds, indicating 
that maintenance is necessary.

3) When the number of battery charge cy-
cles exceeds 100 (can be customized by the 
manufacturer), the display will the symbol 

 . When the display is started up, 

the sign for battery will flash for 4 seconds, 
indicating that maintenance is necessary.

4) The maintenance alert function can be 
disabled: settings ->maintenance alert (MA) 
-> 0. (Maintenance alert can also be set via 
a computer. This requires a USB connection. 
See also the parameter setting instructions).






After this setting, briefly press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the setting interface of 
backlight brightness.


Display Backlight Brightness

When the speed field displays bL1, press   
/   to choose a figure between 1 and 5. 
The figure 1 represents the lowest brightness 
while 5 indicates the highest display back-
light brightness. 

After this setting, briefly press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the setting interface of 
automatic off time.


Automatic Off Time

When the speed field displays OFF, press   
/   to choose a figure between 1 and 9. 
The figures indicate the minutes that it takes 
to automatically shut down the display.

After this setting, briefly press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the setting interface of 
maintenance warning.


Maintenance Warning 

(can be deacti-


When the speed field displays nnA, press   
/   to choose either 0 or 1. 0 disables the 
function while 1 enables it.

1) The display will prompt maintenance 
necessity based on such information as the 
accumulated riding distance and the battery 
charge cycles.

2) When the accumulated total riding dis-
tance exceeds 5,000 km (can be customized 
by the manufacturer), the display will show 
the symbol 

 . When the display is 

started up, the sign for accumulated riding 
distance will flash for 4 seconds, indicating 
that maintenance is necessary.

3) When the number of battery charge cy-
cles exceeds 100 (can be customized by the 
manufacturer), the display will the symbol 

 . When the display is started up, 

the sign for battery will flash for 4 seconds, 
indicating that maintenance is necessary.

4) The maintenance alert function can be 
disabled: settings ->maintenance alert (MA) 
-> 0. (Maintenance alert can also be set via 
a computer. This requires a USB connection. 
See also the parameter setting instructions).






After this setting, briefly press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the setting interface of 
backlight brightness.


Display Backlight Brightness

When the speed field displays bL1, press   
/   to choose a figure between 1 and 5. 
The figure 1 represents the lowest brightness 
while 5 indicates the highest display back-
light brightness. 

After this setting, briefly press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the setting interface of 
automatic off time.


Automatic Off Time

When the speed field displays OFF, press   
/   to choose a figure between 1 and 9. 
The figures indicate the minutes that it takes 
to automatically shut down the display.

After this setting, briefly press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the setting interface of 
maintenance warning.


Maintenance Warning 

(can be deacti-


When the speed field displays nnA, press   
/   to choose either 0 or 1. 0 disables the 
function while 1 enables it.

1) The display will prompt maintenance 
necessity based on such information as the 
accumulated riding distance and the battery 
charge cycles.

2) When the accumulated total riding dis-
tance exceeds 5,000 km (can be customized 
by the manufacturer), the display will show 
the symbol 

 . When the display is 

started up, the sign for accumulated riding 
distance will flash for 4 seconds, indicating 
that maintenance is necessary.

3) When the number of battery charge cy-
cles exceeds 100 (can be customized by the 
manufacturer), the display will the symbol 

 . When the display is started up, 

the sign for battery will flash for 4 seconds, 
indicating that maintenance is necessary.

4) The maintenance alert function can be 
disabled: settings ->maintenance alert (MA) 
-> 0. (Maintenance alert can also be set via 
a computer. This requires a USB connection. 
See also the parameter setting instructions).






After this setting, briefly press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the setting interface of 
backlight brightness.


Display Backlight Brightness

When the speed field displays bL1, press   
/   to choose a figure between 1 and 5. 
The figure 1 represents the lowest brightness 
while 5 indicates the highest display back-
light brightness. 

After this setting, briefly press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the setting interface of 
automatic off time.


Automatic Off Time

When the speed field displays OFF, press   
/   to choose a figure between 1 and 9. 
The figures indicate the minutes that it takes 
to automatically shut down the display.

After this setting, briefly press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the setting interface of 
maintenance warning.


Maintenance Warning 

(can be deacti-


When the speed field displays nnA, press   
/   to choose either 0 or 1. 0 disables the 
function while 1 enables it.

1) The display will prompt maintenance 
necessity based on such information as the 
accumulated riding distance and the battery 
charge cycles.

2) When the accumulated total riding dis-
tance exceeds 5,000 km (can be customized 
by the manufacturer), the display will show 
the symbol 

 . When the display is 

started up, the sign for accumulated riding 
distance will flash for 4 seconds, indicating 
that maintenance is necessary.

3) When the number of battery charge cy-
cles exceeds 100 (can be customized by the 
manufacturer), the display will the symbol 

 . When the display is started up, 

the sign for battery will flash for 4 seconds, 
indicating that maintenance is necessary.

4) The maintenance alert function can be 
disabled: settings ->maintenance alert (MA) 
-> 0. (Maintenance alert can also be set via 
a computer. This requires a USB connection. 
See also the parameter setting instructions).




DP C10.UART   


Wheel Diameter check

Speed position displays 
Wd, The measurements 
are in inches. A wrong  
wheel diameter can lead 
to speed anomalies.

After this setting, briefly 
press   (< 0.3 seconds)  to 
enter the setting interface of speed limit.


Speed Limit Setting

When the speed field 
displays SPL, the distance 
field displays the value of 
the speed limit. Minimum 
speed limit is 12km/h, 
maximum speed limit is 

After setting, Briefly Press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the menu of battery com-


Battery Communication

The speed field displays 
b01 and the distance field 
displays the speed limit. 

 (< 0.3 seconds) 

to cycle backward. After 
this setting, press 


0.3 seconds) to enter into 
the interface of memory for error code. 

1) Only when communication has been 
established between the battery and the 
controller the following information will be 
displayed, otherwise the display will only 
show "- - - -".

2) Information on the battery menu:

The speed 

field displays







Total voltage



Average current







Full capacity



Relative state of 



Absolute state 

of charge



discharge cycle


Longest period 

without charge



Period since last 




Cell quantity


Voltage of 

cell 1



Voltage of 

cell 2





Voltage of 

cell n




DP C10.UART   


Wheel Diameter check

Speed position displays 
Wd, The measurements 
are in inches. A wrong  
wheel diameter can lead 
to speed anomalies.

After this setting, briefly 
press   (< 0.3 seconds)  to 
enter the setting interface of speed limit.


Speed Limit Setting

When the speed field 
displays SPL, the distance 
field displays the value of 
the speed limit. Minimum 
speed limit is 12km/h, 
maximum speed limit is 

After setting, Briefly Press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the menu of battery com-


Battery Communication

The speed field displays 
b01 and the distance field 
displays the speed limit. 

 (< 0.3 seconds) 

to cycle backward. After 
this setting, press 


0.3 seconds) to enter into 
the interface of memory for error code. 

1) Only when communication has been 
established between the battery and the 
controller the following information will be 
displayed, otherwise the display will only 
show "- - - -".

2) Information on the battery menu:

The speed 

field displays







Total voltage



Average current







Full capacity



Relative state of 



Absolute state 

of charge



discharge cycle


Longest period 

without charge



Period since last 




Cell quantity


Voltage of 

cell 1



Voltage of 

cell 2





Voltage of 

cell n




DP C10.UART   


• Wheel Diameter check

Speed position displays 
Wd, The measurements 
are in inches. A wrong  
wheel diameter can lead 
to speed anomalies.

After this setting, briefly 
press   (< 0.3 seconds)  to 
enter the setting interface of speed limit.


• Speed Limit Setting

When the speed field 
displays SPL, the distance 
field displays the value of 
the speed limit. Minimum 
speed limit is 12km/h, 
maximum speed limit is 

After setting, Briefly Press 

 (< 0.3 

seconds) to enter the menu of battery com-


• Battery Communication

The speed field displays 
b01 and the distance field 
displays the speed limit. 

 (< 0.3 seconds) 

to cycle backward. After 
this setting, press 


0.3 seconds) to enter into 
the interface of memory for error code. 

1) Only when communication has been 
established between the battery and the 
controller the following information will be 
displayed, otherwise the display will only 
show "- - - -".

2) Information on the battery menu:

The speed 

field displays







Total voltage



Average current







Full capacity



Relative state of 



Absolute state 

of charge



discharge cycle


Longest period 

without charge



Period since last 




Cell quantity


Voltage of 

cell 1



Voltage of 

cell 2





Voltage of 

cell n


Használati útmutató



Содержание E-Royal Modest 2021

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Страница 11: ...kes to automatically shut down the display vated When the speed field displays nnA press to choose either 0 or 1 0 disables the function while 1 enables it 1 The display will prompt maintenance necess...

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Страница 22: ...n the accumulated total riding time exceeds 99 hours and 59 minutes The data will not be cleared when the display s light sensing function is set to 0 or when it is switched off Km mile When the speed...

Страница 23: ...ed When the speed field displays nnA press to choose either 0 or 1 0 disables the function while 1 enables it 1 The display will prompt maintenance necessity based on such information as the accumulat...

Страница 24: ...a p enosu dat Zkontrolujte zapojen ovl d n 5 Likvidace elektro p stroj V en spot ebiteli pokud v robek jednoho dne doslou je t eba ho ekologicky zlikvidovat aby nezat oval ivotn prost ed P i likvidaci...

Страница 25: ...N vod na obsluhu a dr bu elektrokola CZ 25...

Страница 26: ...rves as a certificate of warranty as well Also please note that the seller must provide a complete pre sale bicycle servicing The manufacturer is not liable for any injury caused by inadequate Pre sal...

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Страница 28: ...delec Failure to observe this will void the warranty and liability Remove the baeries from the pedelec before cleaning it When cleaning the battery make sure that it does not touch any conducve surfac...

Страница 29: ...ating of the overall system is integrated into the HMI and does not require an additional handlebar controller The entire system is not limited to using only the batteries of its production so it is p...

Страница 30: ...against theft and in addition as a safeguard against spontaneous battery falling out during riding Take the key from the lock and keep in safe place for future battery removal Mont a vyjmut aku bateri...

Страница 31: The battery charger can be used only indoor Avoid any contact with water or other fluids while charging the battery If the battery charger or any connections become wet immediately unplug the charg...

Страница 32: ...i As In ch Th W 1 no He Pre Briefly press to switch between distance and speed Single trip distance TRIP km total distance TOTAL km maximum speed MAXS km h average riding speed AVG km h remaining dist...

Страница 33: between Distance Mode and Speed Mode Briefly press to switch between distance and speed Single trip distance TRIP km total distance TOTAL km maximum speed MAXS km h average riding speed AVG km h re...

Страница 34: ...ce If the user does not reset the data the single trip distance and the accumulated total rid ing time will be automatically cleared when the accumulated total riding time exceeds 99 hours and 59 minu...

Страница 35: ...customized by the manufacturer the display will show the symbol When the display is started up the sign for accumulated riding distance will flash for 4 seconds indicating that maintenance is necessar...

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Страница 44: ...Ma r s leg 5 me a r fel F n Ny Speed Mode Briefly press to switch between distance and speed Single trip distance TRIP km total distance TOTAL km maximum speed MAXS km h average riding speed AVG km h...

Страница 45: ...hift mode press the or choose the desired level of support by the motor The lowest level is Level 1 the highest Level 5 When the display is on the default mode is Level 1 When there is no numeric mode...

Страница 46: ...sensing function is set to 0 or when it is switched off Km mile When the speed field displays S7 press to switch between km h and mph or to set km or mile After this setting briefly press 0 3 seconds...

Страница 47: ...ance and the battery charge cycles 2 When the accumulated total riding dis tance exceeds 5 000 km can be customized by the manufacturer the display will show the symbol When the display is started up...

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Страница 50: ...3 2 Polnjenje baterije 55 4 Kolesarski ra unalnik 56 4 1 Delovanje 57 4 2 Nastavitev parametrov 58 4 3 Opis napak 60 5 Odstranjevanje elektronske opreme 60 1 Va da zak Na s p pe 25 np va im Po Up suh...

Страница 51: ...odobril proizvajalec Neupo tevanje tega pogoja izni i garancijo in odgovornost Pred i enjem odstranite baterijo iz pedeleka Pri i enju baterije pazite da se ne dotika nobenih prevodnih povr in saj bi...

Страница 52: ...v Je robusten in enostaven za uporabo Celoten sistem ni omejen le na uporabo akumulatorjev njegove proizvodnje zato je mo no uporabiti iroko paleto baterij primernih za elektri na kolesa Motor Model M...

Страница 53: ...spontanim izpadom baterije med vo njo Vzemite klju iz klju avnice in ga hranite na varnem mestu za nadaljnjo odstranitev baterije Mont a vyjmut aku baterie Mont aku baterie BT E6000 BT E6001 1 Polo te...

Страница 54: ...ij lahko uporabljate samo v zaprtih prostorih Med polnjenjem baterije se izogibajte stiku z vodo ali drugimi teko inami e se baterija polnilec ali druge povezave zmo ijo pred polnjenjem baterije takoj...

Страница 55: predstavlja vsak segment se lah ko prilagodi Opozorilo o vzdr evanju e je potrebno vzdr evanje se prika e simbol SERVICE Indikacija arometa prika e se samo pri vklopljenem arometu ali osvetlitvi oz...

Страница 56: ...elow Headlight Display Backlight Switch Press for 2 seconds The backlight of the display as well as the headlight and tail light will be turned on Press again for 2 seconds to power off the display ba...

Страница 57: cleared when the accumulated total riding time exceeds 99 hours and 59 minutes The data will not be cleared when the display s light sensing function is set to 0 or when it is switched off Km mile...

Страница 58: ...display is started up the sign for accumulated riding distance will flash for 4 seconds indicating that maintenance is necessary 3 When the number of battery charge cy cles exceeds 100 can be customiz...

Страница 59: ...a V polju za hitrost se prika e ena od naslednjih kod napak Koda napake Opis napake Re evanje napak 04 Plin se ni vrnil domov Preverite ali se je plin vrnil domov 05 Okvara plina Preverite motor 07 Pr...

Страница 60: ......
