ACC-72EX User Manual
DPRAM Memory Map
changes to FAILED. For protocols that support non-cyclic communication only, the slave state is set to
OK as soon as a valid configuration is found.
Definition / Description
OK. No Fault.
FAILED. At least one slave failed
Other values are reserved
Slave Error Log Indicator
Not supported yet: the error log indicator field holds the number of entries in the internal error log. The
field is set to zero if all entries are read from the log.
Number of Configured Slaves
The firmware maintains a list of slaves with which the master has to open a connection. This list is
derived from the configuration database created by This field holds the number of
configured slaves.
Number of Active Slaves
The firmware maintains a list of slaves to which the master exchanges process data. This field holds the
number of active slaves. Ideally, the number of active slaves is equal to the number of configured slaves.
For certain fieldbus systems, it could be possible that a slave is shown as activated, but still has a problem
(i.e. a diagnostic issue).
Number of Faulted Slaves
The firmware maintains a list of slaves that are missing on the network, although they may be configured,
or are reporting a diagnostic issue. As long as those indications are pending and not serviced, the field
holds a nonzero value. If no more diagnostic information is pending, the field is set to zero again.