Not enough memory or resources. Close some programs and try again —
Close all windows and open the program that you want to use.
In some cases, you might have to restart your computer to restore computer resources. If so, run the program that you want to use first.
Operating system not found —
Contact Dell (see
Contacting Dell
Plug and Play Configuration Error —
Turn your computer off, unplug it from the electrical outlet, and then remove all but one of the cards.
Plug in your computer and reboot it.
If the message reappears, the installed card might be malfunctioning. If the message does not reappear, turn off the computer and
reinsert one of the other cards.
Repeat this process until you identify which card is malfunctioning.
Read fault —
Requested sector not found —
Reset failed —
Drive Problems
Sector not found —
Run the Windows error-checking utility to check the file structure on the floppy disk or hard drive. See Windows
Help for instructions.
If a large number of sectors are defective, back up the data (if possible), and then reformat the floppy disk or hard drive.
Seek error —
Drive Problems
Shutdown failure —
Run the Dell Diagnostics (see
Dell Diagnostics
day clock stopped —
Time-of-day not set-
please run the System Setup program —
Enter system setup (see
Entering System Setup
) and correct the date or time. If the problem persists, replace the battery (see
Replacing the
Timer chip counter 2 failed —
Run the Dell Diagnostics (see
Dell Diagnostics
Unexpected interrupt in protected mode —
Run the Dell Diagnostics (see
Dell Diagnostics
WARNING: Dell's Disk Monitoring System has detected that drive [0/1] on the [primary/secondary] EIDE controller is operating
outside of normal specifications. It is advisable to immediately back up your data and replace your hard drive by calling your support
desk or Dell —
If no replacement drive is immediately available and the drive is not the only bootable drive, enter system setup (see
Entering System
) and change the appropriate drive setting to
. Then remove the drive from the computer.
Write fault —
Write fault on selected drive —
Drive Problems
drive letter
>:\ is not accessible. The device is not ready —
The selected drive cannot read its medium. Depending on its medium type,
insert a floppy, CD, or Zip disk into the drive and try again.