KD2 Pro Operator’s Manual
7. Care and Maintenance
C, and D for your individual Delrin block are recorded on
your Certificate of Quality Assurance.
Verification for the TR-1 is similar to that for the SH-1. Place
the needle in the block and take a reading, taking care to mini-
mize temperature distrubances. The reading should corre-
spond to the value recorded on your Certificate of Quality
At the request of multiple KD2 Pro users, we have character-
ized the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity
of the black plastic TR-1 verification cylinder. Measurements
were collected on three black plastic cylinders from different
lots of material over the temperature range of -20 to 60 C (see
figure below). We found little temperature dependence on any
of the samples with maximum differences over the -20 to 60 C
range never being greater than 0.004 W m-1 K-1 (~1%).
Thermal conductivity as a function of temperature for three TR-1 verifi-
cation cylinders from different lots of material. Error bars represent ±1
standard deviation in five replicated measurements.