KD2 Pro Operator’s Manual
3. The Menus
the arrow keys to scroll through them. By pressing Enter a
second time, you can see more detail about a reading.
This menu sends the data saved in the KD2
Pro to your computer. You have two download options:
Download All
- This downloads the temperature read-
ings as well as the measured thermal properties.
Download Summary
- This downloads just the mea-
sured thermal properties.
Your KD2 Pro comes with KD2 Pro Utility software
for use with Microsoft Windows. The Utility makes down-
loading data to your computer very easy. In general, you
should use the KD2 Pro Utility to download data instead of
the download option on the KD2 Pro.
If you are unable to use the KD2 Pro Utility, you can use ter-
minal software to transfer the data from your KD2 Pro to
your computer. The following steps should apply to most ter-
minal software programs:
1. Configure your terminal software with the following set-
• 9600 baud
• 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
• No software/hardware flow control
• Append line feeds to incoming line ends
• Echo typed characters locally.
2. Connect your KD2 Pro to an available serial port on your
computer using the included RS-232 serial cable.
3. Set your terminal software to capture received data if you
want to save the data.