KD2 Pro Operator’s Manual
6. Measuring Liquids
sources of vibrations found in the laboratory that have been
shown to affect thermal properties measurement in liquids
and must be avoided include:
• Vibration from HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air
Conditioning) systems
• Vibration from computer fans that are near the measure-
ment apparatus
• Vibration from people moving around the lab
• Vibration from other laboratory equipment
If sources of vibration are present in laboratory, it may be nec-
essary to place the sample on a vibration isolation table to pre-
vent errors from convection. Another common strategy is to
configure the KD2 Pro in auto mode and make measurements
overnight after turning off the HVAC system and any other
lab equipment that might cause vibrations.
The KD2 Pro KS-1 sensor is specially designed to add a very
small amount of heat to the sample during measurement and
thereby minimize problems with free convection. In high vis-
cosity liquids (e.g. oils, glycerin), free convection is generally
not an issue. However, in low viscosity liquids like water or
aqueous solutions, there are several important steps that will
aid in accurate measurements.
• When dealing with low viscosity liquid samples, the
duration of the read time should be minimized to mini-
mize the amount of heat added to the sample.
• The default read time for the KS-1 sensor is 1 minute. If
you are measuring in low viscosity liquids, use this read