KD2 Pro Operator’s Manual
3. The Menus
3. When the KD2 Pro turns on, you should be in the Main
Menu. If not, press the Menu key until you arrive there.
Press Enter to begin the measurement.
4. An icon will appear on the left and right side of the screen.
The icon at left indicates the type of sensor connected.
The circular icon indicates that a reading is underway. It
will change to a thermometer icon to indicate whether the
measurement is currently in heating or cooling mode;
when the thermometer is rising, heat is applied to the nee-
dle, and when it is falling, heat is off. A progress bar shows
the elapsed time.
5. When the progress bar has fully darkened, the results are
displayed as follows:
On the left side of the screen are three measured
Thermal Properties Reading -
The calculated thermal
Starting Temperature -
The initial tempera- ture prior
to any heating or cooling.
Err Value-
The err value is the relative goodness of fit or
relative error for the data set. It is a measure of how well
the model fits the data (the Theory chapter of this man-
ual describes the model that is fit to the data). If the
model fits the data perfectly, then err = 0.0000. The pur-