De Gier B.V., Westlandseweg 9, 2291 PG WATERINGEN, THE NETHERLANDS,
Tel. +31 (0)174 292089, Email: [email protected],
Versie 1 – 2020 / 03 / 01
Drum with two belts: At least half a revolution.
Not pre-winding the belt or cable may result in failure and possible injury at high loads.
Allowed angles belt & wire
When two belts are mounted opposite each other on 1 drum, there is no restriction in applied direction of the
belts. If only one wire or belt is mounted on a drum, the allowed directions are limited, as stated below. All
other angles are not allowed.
4. Installation and connection
Drum on this side
(1 mounting foot)
Drum on this side
(2 mounting foot)