If the R550 Rescue & Escape Device is stored continuously in a
Humidity Resistant Case (see Figure 9), monthly and yearly inspections are not required. In addition to inspection prior
to each use (see Section 5.3), the Humidity Indicator on the case (see Figure 9) should be inspected annually and the
date and inspector’s initials logged on the Case Inspection Label (see Section 8). If the Humidity Indicator displays a
reading of 60 or greater (Pie Sector Indicator), the case should be removed from service and the contents inspected
per the Inspection Steps de
ned in Section 5.3.
• At Least Annually:
A formal inspection should be completed by a competent person
other than the
user. A formal inspection should be completed if the system parameters are changed, such as after a
system is moved, Re-rigged, anchorages moved, etc. Extreme working conditions may require increasing
the Inspection frequency. Inspect the R550 Rescue & Escape Device in accordance with Section 5.3
and Section 5.4. Record inspection results in the Inspection and Maintenance Log, or use the i-Safe™
inspection web portal to maintain inspection records (see Section 5.2).
• Every Five Years:
The R550 Rescue & Escape Device must be sent to an authorized service center for
inspection and service (see Section 6.2).
If the R550 Rescue & Escape Device is continuously stored in a Humidity Resistant Case (see
Figure 9) and pre-use and annual inspections of the case’s Humidity Indicator con
rm allowable humidity levels, the
device must be sent to a authorized service center for inspection and service at intervals not to exceed ten years.
(See Section 6.2)
R550 Rescue & Escape Devices are equipped with an i-Safe™ Radio Frequency
cation (RFID) tag (Figure 8). The i-Safe™ RFID tag on the R550 Descender can be used in
conjunction with the i-Safe handheld reading device and the web based portal to simplify inspection and
inventory control and provide records for fall protection equipment. If you are a
rst-time user, contact a
Customer Service representative in the US at 800-328-6146 or in Canada at 800-387-7484. If you have
already registered, go to: www.capitalsafety.com/isafe. Follow the instructions provided with the i-Safe
handheld reader or on the web portal to transfer your data to the web log.
Per the intervals de
ned in Section 5.1, inspect the R550 Descender as
Step 1.
If the R550 Rescue & Escape Device is stored in a Humidity Resistant Case, inspect the Humidity Indicator
on the outside of the case (see Figure 9). If the Humidity Indicator displays a reading of 60 or greater (pie
sector indicator): (1) Open the case and inspect the R550 Descender per the remaining steps. (2) Maintain
the case as described in Section 6.1.
Step 2.
Inspect device for loose fasteners and bent or damaged parts.
Step 3.
Inspect device housing for distortion, cracks, or other damage. Ensure the anchorage handle is
not damaged or distorted.
Step 4.
The lifeline must pull through the device. Inspect the entire rope for cuts, burns, severely abraded
areas, and excessive wear.
The rope sheath may become frayed during normal use.
Step 5.
Device labels must be present and fully legible (see Section 10).
Step 6.
Inspect for corrosion on the device.
Step 7.
Inspect carabiners for damage, corrosion, and working condition.
Step 8.
Inspect all system components and subsystems according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Step 9.
Record inspection results in the Inspection and Maintenance Log (Section 9) or on the i-Safe web
portal (Section 5.2).
If inspection reveals an unsafe or defective condition, remove the
device from service and contact an authorized service center for repair.
2 Competent
Person who is knowledgeable of the current periodic examination requirements, recommendations and
instructions issued by the manufacturer applicable to the relevant component, subsystem or system.