CBT36K Assembly Manual
of 89 Maximum Continuous Sound Pressure Level (SPL) at 1 m:
The maximum SPL of the CBT36 is frequency dependent. It’s highest from 100 to 300 Hz and then rolls
off at 3 dB/octave for higher frequencies. For more details see Fig. 32 later in this section. Here are some
approximate numbers (short term peak SPL is 10 dB higher). These numbers were estimated by
measuring the system at 4 m (about 13 ft.) in front of the system and then referencing back to 1 m.
80 to 300 Hz:
124 dB (For one minute or less)
800 Hz:
120 dB (For one minute or less)
8 kHz:
104 dB (For one minute or less) Dimensions:
61.0” H x 7.0” W x 25.0” D (154.9 x 178 x 63.5 cm), the base is 13.5” (342.9 cm) wide. Weight (for single system, cabinet only):
55 lbs (25 kg). Shipping weight: 70 lbs (32 kg). Right and left systems are shipped in separate containers.
All drivers and remaining parts are shipped in separate containers.
14.1.13. CBT36 Impedance Magnitude and Phase vs. Frequency:
The complex impedance magnitude and phase of the LF and HF inputs of the CBT36 are shown in the
following two sections. The complex impedance of the CBT36 is extremely-well behaved. Because of the
resistive attenuators in the shading networks of the CBT36, the impedance is very-well damped and
exhibits extremely-low impedance variations. Your amplifiers and cables are going to love these
impedances; particularly your tube amps! Impedance Magnitude:
The impedance magnitude vs. frequency of the LF and HF sections are shown in the following two graphs
(both plotted on log scales):
Fig. 28. Impedance magnitude of the LF section of the CBT36. The impedance exhibits a max-
min variation of only 3.9 to 5.9 Ohms below the 1 kHz crossover.
Fig. 29. Impedance magnitude of the HF section of the CBT36. The impedance exhibits a max-
min variation of only 3.6 to 4.6 Ohms above the 1 kHz crossover.