CBT36K Assembly Manual
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12.1.11. Check Your Crossover Work:
The ambitious DIY speaker builder can check their work by measuring the crossover transfer functions.
See the Measurement section in this manual for tools that can make this measurement. ARTA is a tool
that will allow you to make these measurements in demo mode. Follow the setup in the ARTA manual
and measure the crossover and compare your results with the following figures.
This section shows two sets of crossover curves with the crossover set to the “Flat-Mode” setting and the
“Rolled-Off-Mode” setting (a rolloff of 1 dB/octave or 3.3 dB/decade above 200 Hz). See section titled
“The Flat Energy-Response Debate” in Appendix 2 for an explanation of the need for these two different
response settings.
Each set shows the actual crossover transfer function curves along with the resultant CBT36 frequency
response curves (measured at 2 m from the base of the system at 1 m high). The two sets illustrate the
response for the flat-mode setting and the rolled-off mode setting (1 dB/octave or 3.3 dB/decade). Crossover Transfer Functions in Flat Mode:
Fig. 22. Flat mode DCX2496 crossover transfer functions (LF: blue, HF: red). Resultant CBT36 System Frequency Responses in Flat Mode:
Fig. 23. CBT36 axial frequency responses (2 m out, 1 m high) with crossover is set up in flat
mode (Overall: black, LF: blue, HF: red).