Chapter 2 – Help is at Your Fingertips
Genesis MP
3. Pick the question that addresses your problem. Let’s click on the question, How do I set
the time and date? and then click OK. A small window will appear with your answer.
Tip: A quicker way to reach the answer window is to double click on the question.
4. Read the step-by-step instructions in the window. As you complete each step, click
the right arrow in the lower-right corner to see the next step. If you want to recheck a
step, click on the left arrow in the lower-right corner and go back to the previous step.
5. You may click on the Topics button in the lower-left corner to return to the main
Macintosh Guide Window.
Using the Index Button
1. Click on the Index button at the top of the Macintosh Guide window. An alphabeti-
cal list of subjects will appear on the left side of the window.
2. Scroll through the list and look at the index entries. You can scroll by using the scroll
bar at the right of the list or by dragging the slider to the letter you wish to read.
Let’s say you want to learn more about modems.
3. Click on the word modems in the alphabetical list.
When you click on any index entry, a list of related questions will appear on the right
side of the Macintosh Guide window. One of the choices for modem is definitions.
This is a good way to learn the definitions of many computer-related terms.
4. When you click on What is a modem?, you learn two things.
• A modem is a device that enables a computer to communicate with another
computer over ordinary telephone lines, and
• A modem converts digital information into analog signals that can be transmit-
ted over telephone lines.
The third way to get information from the Macintosh Guide is the Look For button.