Una volta scelta la posizione idonea, praticare un foro di 32 mm di diametro nel tubo.
Once a suitable location is selected, drill a 32mm diameter hole in the pipe.
Place the O-ring in the groove on the inside face of the top half of the pipe clamp.
Place the top half of the pipe clamp onto the pipe ensuring that the hole in the pipe clamp is aligned with the hole in
the pipe.
Collocare l'O-ring nella scanalatura della superficie interna della metà superiore della ganascia del tubo.
Once a suitable location is selected, drill a 32mm diameter hole in the pipe.
Place the O-ring in the groove on the inside face of the top half of the pipe clamp.
Place the top half of the pipe clamp onto the pipe ensuring that the hole in the pipe clamp is aligned with the hole in
the pipe.
Il flussostato non deve essere installato sul lato inferiore di tubi orizzontali.
Once a suitable location is selected, drill a 32mm diameter hole in the pipe.
Place the O-ring in the groove on the inside face of the top half of the pipe clamp.
Place the top half of the pipe clamp onto the pipe ensuring that the hole in the pipe clamp is aligned with the hole in
the pipe.