DKG-309 User Manual
6.17 Exerciser
The unit offers automatic exerciser operation. The exercise operation may be done on a daily,
weekly or monthly basis.
The start day and time of the exercise is programmable as well as its duration. The exercise
may be done with or without load following programming.
Program parameters related to the exerciser are:
Exercise start day and hour
Exercise duration
Exercise off_load/on_load
Exerciser Period (Daily / Weekly / Monthly
Please refer to the programming section for a more detailed description of the above
When the start day and hour of exercise has come, the unit will automatically switch to either
mode. The engine will run and if the on_load exercise is selected then the load
will be transferred to the genset.
If a mains failure occurs during the off
genset unless the
Emergency Backup Operation
parameter to 1. Thus it is highly recommended that the Emergency Backup mode enable
load exerciser.
At the end of the exercise duration, the unit will switch back to the initial mode of operation.
If any of the mode selection keys are pressed during exercise,
Using the daily exercise mode, the unit may feed the load from the genset during predefined
hours of the day. This operation may be used in high tariff periods of the day.
6.18. Resuming to factory set parameters
In order to resume to the factory set parameter values:
-hold pressed the
-immediately press and hold pressed the
-factory set values will be reprogrammed to the parameter memory.
It is not possible to re
automatic exerciser operation. The exercise operation may be done on a daily,
The start day and time of the exercise is programmable as well as its duration. The exercise
may be done with or without load following programming.
rogram parameters related to the exerciser are:
Exercise start day and hour
Exercise off_load/on_load
Daily / Weekly / Monthly)
Please refer to the programming section for a more detailed description of the above
When the start day and hour of exercise has come, the unit will automatically switch to either
mode. The engine will run and if the on_load exercise is selected then the load
will be transferred to the genset.
failure occurs during the off-load exercise, the load will not be transferred to the
Emergency Backup Operation
is allowed by setting the related program
parameter to 1. Thus it is highly recommended that the Emergency Backup mode enable
At the end of the exercise duration, the unit will switch back to the initial mode of operation.
If any of the mode selection keys are pressed during exercise, then the exercise will be
mode, the unit may feed the load from the genset during predefined
hours of the day. This operation may be used in high tariff periods of the day.
. Resuming to factory set parameters
In order to resume to the factory set parameter values:
buttons for 5 seconds,
” will be displayed
and hold pressed the
button for 5 seconds
factory set values will be reprogrammed to the parameter memory.
It is not possible to restore user parameters.
- 21 -
automatic exerciser operation. The exercise operation may be done on a daily,
The start day and time of the exercise is programmable as well as its duration. The exercise
Please refer to the programming section for a more detailed description of the above
When the start day and hour of exercise has come, the unit will automatically switch to either
mode. The engine will run and if the on_load exercise is selected then the load
load exercise, the load will not be transferred to the
related program
parameter to 1. Thus it is highly recommended that the Emergency Backup mode enabled with off-
At the end of the exercise duration, the unit will switch back to the initial mode of operation.
then the exercise will be
mode, the unit may feed the load from the genset during predefined
buttons for 5 seconds,
button for 5 seconds