46512-0999 <90-00083>
Parity - Sets the parity for the communications port. Accept-
able values are E)ven, O)dd, N)one. This field defaults to
Stop Bits - Sets the number of stop bits for the communications
port. Acceptable values are 1 or 2. This field defaults
to 1.
Timeout - Sets the amount of time in milliseconds that the
computer waits for the device at the other end of the communi-
cations line to acknowledge that it is ready to receive data.
Acceptable values are 50 - 9999 milliseconds. This field defaults
to 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds).
Resend Max - Specifies the number of resends that the com-
puter attempts before declaring a “Com Port Error” when trying
to upload or download data. Acceptable values are 1 - 100. This
field defaults to 20.
DCPF Mode - Specifices the type of communications protocol
for uploading and downloading files. Acceptable values are Y (to
use DCPF protocol) and N (to use DCP protocol). This field
defaults to Y.
DCPR Mode - Setting this parameter to Y will activate. Setting
to N will deactivate. Default setting is N.
DCPR Mode should be activated when configuring over a
packet network. The receiving GPP must have TGOS version
5.00 or greater.
The MAP responder port does not have to be configured for DCP
or DCPF protoccol. This is done automatically by the MAP and
the T/Shell software.
Rpt Path - Specifies the drive and directory that the computer
is to use to store any reports that are sent to a file. For more
information, see the Reports section of the MAP System Defi-
nition chapter. This field defaults to the current directory.
MAT Level - Sets the default value for the MAT Points field
that is used to configure MATs. Acceptable values are A, B, C,
and D. This field defaults to D.
MAP Level - Sets the default value for the MAP Alarm Levels
field that is used to configure data ports. Acceptable values are
A, B, C, and D. This field defaults to D.
CPM Level - This option is not used.
CPM Mom - This option is not used.