5.2 Commonly Used Parameters - Explanations
5.2.1 Main Menu
The Main Menu includes all available parameters in the VLT
AQUA Drive FC 200 frequency converter.
All parameters are grouped in a logic way with a group name indicating the function of the parameter group.
All parameters are listed by name and number in the section
Parameter Options
in these Operating Instructions.
All parameters included in the Quick Menus (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q5 and Q6) can be found in the following.
Some of the most used parameters for VLT
AQUA Drive applications are also explained in the following section.
For a detailed explanation of all parameters, please refer to the VLT
AQUA Drive Programming Guide MG.20.OX.YY which is available on www.dan-
foss.com or by ordering at the local Danfoss office.
VLT AQUA High Power Operation Instructions
5 How to programme the frequency converter
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