08090471 - 01
Check that all work has been carried out
in accordance with directions before
testing the Devidry™ floor heating
system. Testing may commence when
everything has been correctly connect-
ed. Read the directions for the control
system before you proceed. Plug the
control system into the wall socket. Set
the temperature at maximum tempera-
tures (30˚ Celsius for wooden floors and
35˚ Celsius for concrete floor construc-
tions). After a short while you will notice
the Devidry™ floor heating elements are
warming up.
Max. set point temperature of the ther-
mostat is:
• 30°C for wooden floors
• 35°C for concrete floors
If the floor heating elements are not
warming up to the same temperature
the plug-in connections should be
checked once again. Remember to first
unplug the Devidry™ system from the
Max. on
concrete sub-floor
Max. on
wood sub-floor
8. Checking the Devidry™ floor heating system