Installation, operation and maintenance instructions - VMGFE102
2.3 - Checks before system start-up
Before the start-up of the refrigeration system, the complete
installation, including the refrigeration system must be
verifi ed against the installation drawings, dimensional
drawings, system piping and instrumentation diagrams and
the wiring diagrams.
During these verifi cations observe all national regulations. If
no national regulations exist, please refer to annex G of
standard EN378-2, specifi cally:
External visual installation checks:
Compare the complete installation with the refrigeration
system and power circuit diagrams.
Check that all components comply with the design
specifi cations.
Check that all safety documents and equipments that are
required by current European standards are present.
Verify that all safety and environmental protection
devices and arrangements are in place and comply with
the current European standard.
Verify that all document for pressure containers, certi-
fi cates, name plates, fi les, instruction manuals that are
required documents required by the current European
standards are present.
Verify the free passage of access and safety routes.
Verify the instructions and directives to prevent the
deliberate removal of refrigerant gases.
Verify the installation of connections.
Verify the supports and fi xing elements (materials,
routing and connection).
Verify the quality of welds and other joints.
Check the protection against mechanical damage.
Check the protection against heat.
Check the protection of moving parts.
Verify the accessibility for maintenance or repair and to
check the piping.
Verify the status of the valves.
Verify the quality of the thermal insulation and of the
vapour barriers.
Ensure that the ventilation in the machine room is
Check the refrigerant detectors.
2.1 - Moving
See chapter “Installation safety considerations”.
2.2 - Siting the unit
Always refer to the chapter “Dimensions and clearances” to
confi rm that there is adequate space for all connections and
service operations. For the centre of gravity coordinates, the
position of the unit mounting holes, and the weight
distribution points, refer to the certifi ed dimensional drawing
supplied with the unit.
Typical applications of these units do not require earthquake
resistance. Earthquake resistance has not been verifi ed.
CAUTION: Only use slings at the designated lifting points which
are marked on the unit.
Before siting the unit check that:
the permitted loading at the site is adequate or that
appropriate strenghtening measures have been taken.
if the unit is required to operate as a heat pump in
tem-peratures below 0°C it must be raised at least 300
mm from the ground. This is necessary to avoid ice
build-up on the unit chassis and also to permit correct
unit operation in locations where the snow level may
reach this height.
the unit is installed level on an even surface (maximum
tolerance is 5 mm in both axes).
there is adequate space above the unit for air fl ow and
to ensure access to the components (see dimensional
the number of support points is adequate and that they
are in the right places.
the location is not subject to fl ooding.
for outdoor installations, where heavy snowfall is likely
and long periods of sub-zero temperatures are normal,
provision has to be made to prevent snow accumulating
by raising the unit above the height of drifts normally
experienced. Baffl
es may be necessary to defl ect strong
winds. They must not restrict air fl ow into the unit.
CAUTION: Before lifting the unit, check that all casing panels
are securely fi xed in place. Lift and set down the unit with
great care. Tilting and jarring can damage the unit and
impair unit operation.
If AR05 units are hoisted with rigging, it is advisable to
protect coils against crushing while a unit is being moved.
Use struts or a lifting beam to spread the slings above the
unit. Do not tilt a unit more than 15°.
WARNING: Never push or lever on any of the enclosure panels
of the unit. Only the base of the unit frame is designed to
withstand such stresses.