Piranha4 4K Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Cleaning the Sensor Window
Recommended Equipment
Glass cleaning station w ith m icroscop e w ithin clean room .
3M ionized air gu n 980
http :/ / solu tions.3m canad a.ca/ w p s/ p ortal/ 3M/ en_CA/ WW2/ Cou ntry/
Ionized air flood system , foot op erated .
Sw ab (H UBY-340CA-003)
http :/ / w w w .cleancross.net/ m od u les/ xfsection/ article.p hp ?articleid =24
Single d rop bottle (FD-2-ESD)
E2 (Eclip se op tic cleaning system (
w w w .p hotosol.com
Use localized ionized air flow on to the glass d u ring sensor cleaning.
Blow off m obile contam ination u sing an ionized air gu n.
Place the sensor u nd er the m icroscop e at a m agnification of 5x to d eterm ine the
location of any rem aining contam ination.
Clean the contam ination on the sensor u sing one d rop of E2 on a sw ab.
Wip e the sw ab from left to right (or right to left bu t only in one d irection). Do
this in an overlap p ing p attern, tu rning the sw ab after the first w ip e and w ith
each su bsequ ent w ip e. Avoid sw ip ing b ack and forth w ith the sam e sw ab in
ord er to ensu re that p articles are rem oved and not sim p ly transferred to a new
location on the sensor w ind ow . This p roced u re requ ires you to u se m u ltip le
sw abs.
Discard the sw ab after both sid es of the sw ab have been u se d once.
Rep eat u ntil there is no visible contam ination p resent.
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