Piranha4 8K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
If you must use white paper, make sure it is moving during the calibration process. If
you do not do this, your image will have vertical stripes.
Calibration is easily performed using the TLC ‗cpa‘ command.
The cpa command has two parameters.
The first is the number of lines you want to average over. Use a value of 4096 to achieve
the best average.
The second is the eight bit target value you want for all three colors after calibration.
The cpa command takes several seconds to complete. The slower the line rate, the longer it will
On completion of the ‗cpa‘ command, you should see an image from the camera that is white
balanced with all three colors at the target level you set.
You are now ready to evaluate the image quality of the P4 color camera under your operating conditions.
6. Improving Your Color Image
The color response of the P4 color camera is quite good even when using white LED‘s and even without
color correction. The camera has a factory set white LED color correction matrix that can be selected to
improve color response for those using white LED‘s. If you are using a different light source, a suitable
color correction matrix can be downloaded to the camera. A software tool to generate this is available
with the Sapera processing applications, which can be downloaded from the Teledyne DALSA web site
(60 day free trial). You will require a MacBeth© chart with 4 x 6 color elements that you can scan past the
camera to complete the generation of the matrix.
Contact Teledyne DALSA‘s technical support for further details.