Piranha4 8K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
RGBG 8 bit CL Deca, mirrored, max line rate 51 kHz without AOI and 85 MHz CL clock
only 8190 pixels transmitted, no color interpolation
This timing diagram is another example of the RGBG mode employing Camera Link Deca, but highlights
the change in the red, green, and blue pixel order where the mirrored feature is selected. Notice that the
order of the red and blue pixels is reversed. As a result, the frame grabber or host application that will be
responsible for performing the interpolation must account for this reversal.
: when using an AOI with this RGBG mode, the user must consider the available red and blue pixel
data at the AOI boundaries when they are performing interpolation
When using the AOI feature, there are specific AOI rules with respect to AOI sizes and boundaries that
must be adhered to, see below.