Piranha4 8K Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Green Only Output
Custom AOI Rules
1) The sensor has pixels 0 to 8191. In RGBG mode, red pixels are 0, 2, 4... Blue pixels are 1, 3, 5...
2) Custom AOIs are not supported in GREEN_ONLY mode.
3) Three values (red, blue, green) are output per pixel in RGB mode.
4.1) Two values (red / blue, green) are output per pixel in RGBG mode.
4.2) In RGBG non-mirrored mode, the first pixel of an AOI is always red / green.
4.3) In RGBG mirrored mode, the first pixel of an AOI is always blue / green.
5) Whether mirroring is on or off, 0 is the leftmost pixel.
6) Whether mirroring is on or off, AOI 1 is readout first.
7) In normal mode, AOI 1 is closest to the sensor‘s left edge.
8) In mirror mode, AOI 1 is closest to the sensor‘s right edge.
Base and Medium Modes
1) The total number of pixels within each AOI must be a multiple of 8 and must be greater than or equal
to 40.
2) In normal mode, the first pixel of each AOI (AOI left edge) must have the location 8
, where
= 0, 1, 2 ..,
1023 (i.e. 8, 960, 7680 are allowed, 12 is not allowed).
3) In mirror mode, the first pixel of each AOI (AOI right edge) must have the location 8
i + 7
, where
0,1,2 .., 1023 (i.e. 7, 15, 4095 are allowed, 8 is not allowed).