DF3000IP(-DN) / DF3000IP(-DN) CasinoCam
Dallmeier electronic
The aim of this function is to increase the image quality. In this case the so-called interlace
effect, which may occur after merging two fields into a frame, is calculated from the frame.
However, whether this aim is achieved depends on a large number of influences.
It is therefore not possible to provide a general recommendation to activate or deactivate
this function. We recommend that you test the output on the monitor after the camera has
been configured.
For this purpose, select a typical scene for playback for the camera concerned. If the comb
effect can be detected when objects move, in other words if a lack of focus occurs, the
effect can be reduced by activating Deinterlacing.
On the other hand the playback may be very focused but jumpy. In this case the deactivation
of this function may, in certain circumstances, result in more flowing playback.
All encoder settings are only applied or activated after clicking