Condenserless water-cooled water chillers
Operation manual
History menu
The "history" menu contains all the information concerning the latest
shutdowns. The structure of those menus is identical to the structure
of the safeties menu. Whenever a failure is solved and the operator
performs a reset, the concerning data from the safeties menu is
copied into the history menu.
Additionally the number of safeties that already occured, can be
consulted on the first line of the history screens.
Info menu
Input/output menu
The "input/output" menu gives the status of all the digital inputs and
the relay outputs of the unit.
User password menu
Network menu
The "network" menu provides useful information regarding the
To check which were the total amount of
running hours of the compressors at the
moment of shutdown. To check which
was the capacity of each circuit at the
moment of shutdown.
To consult time and date information.
To consult additional information about
the unit such as the unit name and the
refrigerant used.
To consult information about the
controller's software version.
To consult information about the
To check whether or not the emergency
stop device is active and if there's any
water flow to the evaporator.
To check the status of the high pressure
switch, the reverse phase protector and
overcurrent relay for circuit 1.
To check whether or not the discharge
thermal protector or the compressor
thermal protector are activated for
circuit 1.
To check the status of the high pressure
switch, the reverse phase protector and
the overcurrent relay for circuit 2 (only
for EWLD340~540).
To check whether or not the discharge
thermal protector or the compressor
thermal protector are activated for
circuit 2 (only for EWLD340~540).
To check the status of the changeable
digital inputs.
Note that for a unit in a DICN system,
the inputs apply to this unit.
It will be the remote input on the master
unit however, that will be determining
for the operation of the unit.
To check the status of the power relays
of circuit 1.
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To check the status of the power relays
of circuit 2.
To check the capacity mode and
feedback of circuit 1.
To check the capacity mode and
feedback of circuit 2
(only for EWLD340~540).
To check the status of the fanspeed
relays of circuit 1.
To check the status of the fanspeed
relays of circuit
2 (only for
To check the status of the pump, the
alarm and the evaporator heater voltage
free contacts.
To check the status of the changeable
relay output.
To change the user password.
To consult the temperature setpoint, the
common entering water temperature
(entering water temperature of the
master unit) and the common leaving
water temperature (only displayed when
L mode is set and
the optional common leaving water
sensor (R8T) is installed). Refer to
"Defining and activating the control
mode" on page 13
The status screen of the network menu
shows the condition of the master unit
) and slave units (
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