spanning-tree fast-forwarding
CLI Reference Guide
spanning-tree fast-forwarding
To enable fast forwarding mode, use the
spanning-tree fast-forwarding
command. When fast forwarding is enabled the interface will be immediately put
into the forwarding state upon linkup without waiting for the timer to expire.
spanning-tree fast-forwarding
no spanning-tree fast-forwarding
Default fast forwarding is automatically derived from an IEEE Std 802.1D-2004
Bridge Detection state machine.
Command Mode
Interface configuration (physical and port-channel interfaces)
Usage Guideline
Use this command only with interfaces that connect to end stations; otherwise,
an accidental topology loop could cause a data-packet loop and disrupt the
switch and network operations.
During linkup, when an interface, with fast-forwarding mode enabled, is moved
directly to the spanning-tree forwarding state, then it is not necessary to wait for
the standard forward-time delay.
This command has two states:
spanning-tree fast-forwarding
-This command enables fast forwarding
state unconditionally on the given port.
no spanning-tree fast-forwarding
-The fast-forwarding state for the given
port is returned to the default settings.
This configuration will take effect on all the spanning-tree modes.
This example shows how to configure the fast-forwarding state at eth3.7.
Verify the settings by entering the
show spanning-tree interface
Switch(config)#interface eth3.7
Switch(config-if)#spanning-tree fast-forwarding