CYUSB3KIT-001 EZ-USB FX3 Development Kit Guide, Doc. #: 001-70237 Rev. *C
The Cypress EZ-USB
FX3™ Development Kit (DVK) is a combination of hardware, software, and
documentation that enables customers to evaluate the FX3 device. This document describes how to
install the software related to the FX3 DVK and operate the DVK board. A simple project to blink an
LED helps verify correct installation and operation of the integrated development environment (IDE).
The guide introduces different types of firmware download and debug methods with detailed
instructions on how to use them. Two more example projects (
USBBulkLoopAuto on page 55
USBBulkSourceSink on page 62
) serve to explain the use of software host applications provided for
FX3. This document also briefly explains different hardware interfaces available on the DVK board.
In addition, Appendix A provides a troubleshooting guide, which helps to isolate the root cause of
errors while operating the DVK board along with a corresponding solution.
Kit Contents
The Cypress EZ-USB FX3 DVK includes the following:
Development kit board
USB 3.0 A to Micro B cable
Quick Start Guide
5-V AC-DC adapter
for more information. Inspect the contents of the kit. If any parts
are missing, contact your nearest Cypress sales office for further assistance.
FX3 Software
FX3 Development Kit (DVK) Installer
: It installs documentation, such as user guide and release
notes, and DVK hardware files, such as schematic, PCB Layout, and Gerber.
FX3 Software Development Kit (SDK) Installer
: It installs the Eclipse IDE and GCC tool chain, a
firmware library with code samples, and a Cypress USB suite including a Windows driver and
sample Visual Studio applications. After installation, a Cypress Update Manager insures that all
modules are up to date.
Tools Not Included
Microsoft Visual C++ and C# software required for editing and building USB PC application
source code. Free Visual Studio Express editions are available on the Microsoft web site.
USB 3.0 capable PC host: The FX3 DVK firmware examples can work in either USB 2.0 or USB
3.0 speeds.To achieve maximum performance with FX3 hardware, use a PC with USB 3.0 host
controller ports.
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