EXPERT WW rev.12
2. Set the following parameters:
Animal age —
The animal age can be adjusted
from -5 days to 450 days. Negative day values
are used to prepare the house before letting
the animals in.
Initial count —
Enter the initial number of
animals in the room before enabling the new
Current count —
The current count is au-
tomatically adjusted as mortalities, culled
animals or marketed animals are posted.
Starting a new group —
Before starting a
new group, enter the animal age and the
initial count.
ALL histories of the controller are reset
when a new group starts.
New mortalities —
Enter the number of new
mortalities. Once a number is entered, the
parameter value automatically goes back
to “0” and the value is added to the total
number of mortalities and removed from the
current count.
New culled —
Enter the number of culled
animals. Once a number is entered, the pa-
rameter value automatically goes back to “0”
and the value is added to the total number
of culled animals and removed from the cur-
rent count.
New marketed —
Enter the number of mar-
keted animals. Once a number is entered, the
parameter value automatically returns to “0”
and the value is added to the total number
of marketed animal and removed from the
current count.
12.4. Animal Age & Count
Animal age
: Some parameters of the con-
troller can automatically change over time
as the animals grow up (curves, programs
& tunnel door). Using age-based parameters
is optional, refer to section 4.5 to enable or
disable the animal age function.
Animal count (Current count / mortality
/ culled / marketed):
At the beginning of
a group, the user must specify the initial
number of animals. Afterwards, the user can
specify the number of mortalities, culled, and
marketed animals as it occurs.
ALL histories of the controller are reset
when a new group starts.
1. Select:
Main menu
Age & Mortality
Animal Age
-4 day
Initial Count
Current Count
Start New Group?
New Mortality
Today’s Mortality
Tot. Mortality
New Culled
Today’s Culled
Total Culled
New Marketed
Today’s Marketed
Total Marketed
* This menu is accessible if age-based functions are
enabled in the Installation Setup (section 4.5)
12.5. Automatic Reminder
The controller can display warning messages
at regular intervals. The automatic reminder
allows you to associate a warning message to
a servicing activity for instance then decide
the frequency at which this servicing activity
must be performed. In all, the controller can
display 3 different warning messages.
When a warning message is active, the word
“Warning” is displayed on screen, along with
the message number.
1. Select:
Main menu
Show Warning1 every
10 days
Show Warning2 every 100 days
Show Warning3 every Off days
Clear Warning 1?
* A password may be required to access this menu.
2. Set the following parameters:
Show warning 1-3 every —
Select the fre-
quency at which each warning message is
displayed (1 to 450 days); select
to disable
a warning message.
Clear Warning #x ? —
This menu appears
when the timer of a warning message has
elapsed. Select
to reset the timer of a
warning message.
Please write down the meaning and the
frequency of warning messages 1-3:
Warning 1
every ____days
Warning 2
every ____days
Warning 3
every ____days