EXPERT WW rev.12
Outside set point —
The controller can adjust
the moving speed of natural ventilation cur-
tains as a function of outside temperature.
When this function is used, the controller
refers to the outside temperature set point
to control the moving speed. Set the out-
side temperature to the desired value. *
parameter is accessible if the outside temperature
sensor is enabled in section 4.7.1 and if the curtain
compensation is enabled in the Installation Setup
(section 4.5).
5.2. Static Pressure Set
The high & low static pressure set points
are the limits above and below which
pressure-based air inlets (such as vent
doors or tunnel doors) open or close. The
controller allows using up to 3 different set
point groups; each group starts at a user-
defined fan stage. Refer to the Installation
Setup section of this manual to enable the de-
sired number of pressure set point groups.
1. Select:
Main menu
Set Points
Static Pressure*
Set Points
Use to navigate
Set Points
Low SP1 Set Point
.100 “WC
High SP Set Point
.140 “WC
Use at stage
Low SP2 Set Point
.060 “WC
High SP2 Set Point
.090 “WC
Use at stage
Low SP3 Set Point
.080 “WC
High SP3 Set Point
.100 “WC
Use at stage
* This menu is accessible if at least one pressure-
based air inlet output is enabled in the Installation
Setup (sec. 4.5).
2. Set the following parameters:
Static pressure set points must be
defined separately for each program of
the controller.
Low / High SP#x Set Point —
Set the low
and the high static pressure set point of
each group.
Use at stage —
Set the fan stage at which
each pressure set point group starts being
used. Note that the 1st group automatically
starts in minimum ventilation (or at stage 1
if minimum ventilation is not used). Also note
that the controller automatically limits the
stage at which each group starts so that the
set point groups are activated one after the
other (in numerical order).
5.1. Temperature Set Point
The set point is a target temperature in the
room. The activation of most outputs of the
controller is based on this reference tem-
1. Select:
Main menu
Set Points
Set Points
Use to navigate
Set Points
75.5 °F
70.0 °F
75.5 °F
Clean Mode
35.0 °F
75.0 °F
Curve Offset
0.0 °F
2. Set the following parameters:
Set point settings are common to all
programs of the controller.
Current set point —
This is the current tem-
perature set point in use. This value cannot
be changed; to modify the set point, change
the day or night set points below.
Day set point —
Set the temperature set point
that is used during the day (this set point is
used all day long if the night set point is not
enabled). The controller can also change the
day set point automatically over time by us-
ing a curve (see section 5.3). *
This parameter
can only be modified while the temperature curve is
inactive (sec. 5.3).
Night set point —
A different temperature
set point can be used at night. The night set
point can be used to lower the target room
temperature for instance. The night set point
is relative to the day set point, which means
that it is automatically adjusted when the day
set point changes. Set the night set point to
the desired value. *
This parameter is accessible
if the night set point is enabled (see section 4.9).
Clean mode set point —
Select what is the
target room temperature while the controller
operates in clean mode.