Table 3-5 Radio Command and Status Messages.
Issue 2.2
Narrow Band IF output frequency setting allows adjustment of the NBIF
output center frequency over a limited range of frequencies, depending
on the hardware option installed. The 's' character is replaced with a '+'
character to select a normal non-inverted output spectrum, or a '-' to
select an inverted output spectrum. The 'nnn' characters are replaced with
the desired frequency in kilohertz. For units with the bandpass filter
output circuit the frequency range is 450-460. For units with the low pass
filter output, the frequency range is 8-30. This command is available from
the front panel as well as the remote control bus. The front panel key
sequence is CONFIG->NEXT->NBIF. The NBIF frequency is saved in
non-volatile memory and only needs to be set once unless the EEPROM
memory is cleared. When this occurs, the value is set to +455 kHz. (In
units with the low pass filter output circuit, this will produce an output
centered at 20 kHz, inverted.)
Change the threshold Offset used in scan or sweep operation to adjust
the squelch level setting for all channels. The
character represents the
sign of the offset (+ or -), 1 represents the 10s of dB, and 2 represents the
units of dB. (Range: -30 t30)
Request the current threshold Offset.
Change SteP Size.
represent the step size during sweep
operation as a frequency increment with 1 Hz resolution. The 1 represents
the 10 MHz units and the 8 represents the 1 Hz units. (Range: 1 Hz
through 10 MHz)
Request current SteP Size.
Request most recent POST results: Each of the n characters represents
one of the tests performed when the POST sequence is run and is
replaced with a 1 to indicate that the test failed or a 0 to indicate that the
test passed. Starting with the first (left most)
character, the definition of
each test bit is as follows:
1. Controller program ROM sum check failed
2. RAM test failed
3. EEPROM CRC test failed
4. DSP processor failed ROM test
5. DSP processor failed external RAM test
6. DSP processor failed internal RAM test
7. DSP processor failed FIFO/DIRECT test
8. BITE test failed
V* F12345678 M*
W1234 L123 A*
Y123 G123 B±1234
I±1234 SK*
P12345678 D9 BT9
O-20 CN123 FS*
SNxy SR1234 X12
Request receiver operating parameter status: The actual reply will be a
single string of characters. The reply is shown on multiple lines here only
for readability. The fields of this message are separated by a space and
are described for each reply individually.
Courtesy of