Crown Broadcast
Phone: 574-262-8900
2524 Toledo Road
Fax: 574-970-8909
Elkhart, IN 46516
Service: 866-262-8917
3.2.3 Control
The lower section shows the optically isolated controls for the
transmitter. For transmitters with older motherboard revision levels of
MAR 93 through 2006, the controls for raise and lower power will not
be functional. Each control can be used as a latching control (ON / OFF /
Toggle) or as a momentary control (Pulse –
time de�ined) which is set up
in the I/O section described later.
The factory default settings are shown.
3.3 Main Alarms page
The Alarms tab shows current saved alarms based on alarm set-up in
the I/O section. Information about the alarm will be displayed. These
alarms will not be cleared unless prompted by the user by clicking on
the “Clear Alarms” button at the bottom of the list as shown below. A
warning message will also need to be
satis�ied in case of an accidental