Crown Broadcast
Phone: 574-262-8900
2524 Toledo Road
Fax: 574-970-8909
Elkhart, IN 46516
Service: 866-262-8917
1.2 – Tools needed for installation
Philips screwdriver with #1 and/or #2 tip
Drill with 1/8” drill bit
Soldering tools – including iron, solder, and solder removing tool
Needle-nose pliers
Wire stripping tool
Diagonal cutter
¼” Hex nut driver
1.3 Identifying model of transmitter
The age of the unit will determine which portions of instructions will be
necessary during the process of wiring to the motherboard. Crown
Broadcast has made several different versions of motherboards over the
years, so take note of the version being wired.
Most motherboards will have its part number, version and/or date along
the right side or the front edge of the board. Silk-screening was also
used for identi�ication.
In some of the earlier versions, the version revision is part of the foil
pattern along the front edge of the board. All versions will be able to be
used. However, the earlier ones will require some modi�ications to the
wire assemblies before installation as described in detail later.