Crown Broadcast
Phone: 574-262-8900
2524 Toledo Road
Fax: 574-970-8909
Elkhart, IN 46516
Service: 866-262-8917
The “Update Log Interval (Hours)” describes the time between status
captures of the unit. All parameters selected in the ‘I/O’ section for
logging will be saved and accumulated during the 24-hour period
between the “Daily Log Time” settings for the logs. At each time
segment, the log will be sent. Also, once the 24-hour period has been
satis�ied, an email which contains the
accumulated logs for the day will
be sent to the designated address of the recipient. Be sure to check the
“Enable Logging” checkbox to activate this feature.
Be sure to click “Save Logging” to save the changes made.
3.6.5 Email Alarms Settings
Emailing alarms are set up by user. Check the box associated with each
user who is to receive the email alerts which were set up earlier in the
I/O section.
There is an option to send alarms one time a day which is the collection
of the day’s worth
at the time speci�ied. E
nter the time desired for the
daily send and the checkbox to enable this feature.