Crown Broadcast
Phone: 574-262-8900
2524 Toledo Road
Fax: 574-970-8909
Elkhart, IN 46516
Service: 866-262-8917
3.5.1 Set-points
Each parameter can set a “High” and “Low” point of the reading as well
as when the reading returns to a normal state, called “Exit”. It also has a
setting for a time delay before the setting is validated as an alarm. This
setting is in seconds and has no time limit.
3.5.2 Channel reading calibration
Each channel can also be calibrated to agree with the front panel
readings. A live display is shown to aid in the process of calibration. This
live reading assures the operator that the calibration took place. This
live reading is the same reading as what is displayed on the main
metering/control page.
To calibrate the channel, �irst select the channel
from the drop-down
menu. Enter the reading desired to be displayed into the blank window
directly below the “Calibration” descriptor. Once the entry is done, click
on “Save Calibration” to enter the new value into the unit.